A Female Kestrel With An Intense Interest In Me Sometimes I like a photo with significant flaws more than I thought I would. Continue reading
Same Kestrel, Same Perch, Different Day, Different Behavior This handsome male is a confirmed creature of habit, just like me. Continue reading
A Couple Of Rough-legged Hawks From Yesterday Morning Beautiful warm light can make me overlook some shortcomings. Continue reading
Male American Kestrel In A Variety Of Poses And a Rough-legged Hawk thrown in for good measure. Continue reading
Male American Kestrel Posing In Side Light Side light can be a challenge but sometimes nature comes to the rescue. Continue reading
Male American Kestrel Getting Some Tail When you’re a small falcon trying to survive in the wild you can’t be too picky about what you’re willing to eat. Continue reading
Male American Kestrel Puffed Up In Frigid Temperatures A recent print request brings back nasty memories of image theft involving another victim besides just me. Continue reading
American Kestrel Puffed Up And Snuggled Down On Rabbitbrush I wish birds would perch on rabbitbrush more often. Continue reading
Male American Kestrel Taking Requests More than most birds kestrels are known for listening to the beat of their own personal drummer. So on Christmas morning I was flabbergasted when this male immediately filled my stated request when asked. Continue reading
Side Lit American Kestrel And The Capricious Gods Of Photography I’d give my shutter finger and my last chocolate donut to be able to change one tiny thing about her takeoff shot. Continue reading
Female American Kestrel With Prey And An Attitude To say that a kestrel of either sex has an attitude probably approaches redundancy but this little lady had one in spades. Continue reading
Further Evidence That Kestrels Become ‘Sticky’ In Cold Weather American Kestrels are notoriously difficult to approach but bring on the cold and sometimes I think they must have glue on their feet. Continue reading