Male Brewer’s Blackbird In Flight My first time photographing a male of this species in flight. I had to cheat a little to get it the way I want it but I finally got the photo. Continue reading
Brewer’s Blackbird Trying To Keep Her Feet Dry (+ a bonus raptor) At least that’s what it looked like she was doing. Continue reading
Blackbirds Mobbing Hawks On The Nest Last week I photographed Brewer’s Blackbirds as they relentlessly mobbed a family of Red-tailed Hawks on a nest in Montana. Continue reading
Brewer’s Blackbird At Pre-launch Sometimes a pose just grabs me and this image is one of those. Continue reading
Brewer’s Blackbirds – Male And Female As common as they are I always enjoy photographing Brewer’s Blackbirds – the male for his iridescence and interesting displays and the female for her subtle beauty. Continue reading
Displaying Female Brewer’s Blackbird (and an update on recent Feathered Photography problems) I almost never see Brewer’s Blackbird images posted anywhere so today I thought I’d give the species its due. Continue reading