Tag: dark morph
Male And Female Red-tailed Hawks Taking Off From Their Nest
Red-tailed Hawk Nesting And Mating Behaviors
Mated Red-tailed Hawks – Yesterday My Prediction Came True
My New Favorite Photo Of One Of My Two Favorite Red-tailed Hawks
Northern Harrier Harassing A Red-tailed Hawk
A Gorgeous Dark Morph Red-tailed Hawk
Dark Morph Swainson’s Hawk Eating A Snake
Rousing Dark Morph Red-tailed Hawk
Dark Morph Ferruginous Hawk Takeoff And Flight Series

The dark color morph of the Ferruginous Hawk is unusual, significantly less than 10% of the population in North America. Since Ferruginous Hawks of any color are uncommon (Sibley calls them “rare”), the dark morph is a very narrow slice of that uncommon group and Ferruginous Hawks in general are such regal and impressive hawks I’ve been enamored of this bird ever since I found “him” a couple of weeks ago.