Tag: clutch size
Nesting Great Horned Owl – There Are Chicks!
Ruby-crowned Kinglet In Fall Colors
Western Grebe Still Incubating Eggs Yesterday Morning
Western Grebe On The Nest And Then Refurbishing It
Western Grebes – The Whole Fam Damily
Burrowing Owl Feeding Frenzy
Mating Red-tailed Hawks And A First Look At The Resulting Chicks
A Passel Of Partridges
Trumpeter Swan Pair With Six Cygnets

Trumpeter Swans are the largest of all North American waterfowl, weighing up to 30 pounds and having a wingspan of as much as 8 feet. It’s hard to imagine that by the 1930’s this species had been almost wiped out. In 1949 the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said that the Trumpeter Swan was “the fourth rarest bird now remaining in America”. But thankfully recent intense swan restoration and management programs have brought the species back from the brink of extinction.
Ravenous Yellow-headed Blackbird Fledgling
I was photographing adult male blackbirds when suddenly this very recently fledged youngster popped up in the cattails right in front of me. At first I thought it was just curious about me and my big truck but that turned out not to be the case.