A Male Northern Harrier In Flight As The Canon R5 Shines Again As an old guy I like old things and the aging R5 still impresses me. (4 photos) Continue reading
My Best Day With Northern Harriers In Years Sometimes wind is the bird photographer’s friend. (9 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harriers In Flight And A Cruel Lesson In White Balance Lesson learned. (6 photos) Continue reading
Adult Male Northern Harrier In Flight Over Bright Blue Water ‘Blue’ seems to be a theme in my photos lately. (3 photos) Continue reading
A Northern Harrier Photo Of Mine And An Image Thief Exposed How blatant (and clueless) can these image thieves get? (3 photos including screen shots) Continue reading
A Northern Harrier Brings My Snipe-alooza To A Screeching Halt All good things must come to an end. (3 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harrier In Flight While Carrying An Apparently Prized Possession One of my most strongly three-dimensional images. Continue reading
Northern Harrier Just Hanging In The Air Including some of the last bare ground I’ll see for a while. Probably a long while. (2 photos) Continue reading
An Aerial Kerfuffle Between A Hapless And Vulnerable Northern Harrier And American Crows Serious aerial combat or more light-hearted play? In this case I strongly suspect the former. (3 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harrier Coming At Me From the sublime to the profane in not much more than the blink of an eye. (3 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harrier Takeoff From A Tumbleweed Perch I haven’t been able to get any new harrier photos I like for a very long time but yesterday morning this one came through for me. Continue reading
Northern Harrier – Twelve Years Ago Today One takeoff shot and one flight shot. I think the takeoff posture I captured is pretty special, even if I did bugger it up. Continue reading
Northern Harrier With An Unusual Tail Feather A plumage feature of Northern Harriers that most folks don’t notice and this particular bird shows an unusual variation on the theme. Continue reading