Tag: charadrius montanus
Mountain Plovers On Antelope Island
Mountain Plovers In Utah
Mountain Plovers – “Prairie Ghosts”
Mountain Plovers Revisited
As some of you know, 10 days ago we found a pair of Mountain Plovers on Antelope Island. These plovers are rare in Utah, the few that are seen here are on their way to Montana, Wyoming and Colorado to breed so after a day or two these birds were gone. But they sure created a buzz in the birding community while they were here.
Mountain Plovers On Antelope Island – Yes, Here In Utah!
As I reported on my last post, Mia and I found two Mountain Plovers on Antelope Island yesterday. They’re rare in Utah and I had never seen the species before, even in my travels to Montana and Wyoming where they’re more common. It was a very exciting day.