Tag: centennial valley
A One-winged, One-legged Short-eared Owl?
Some Of The Reasons I Despise Barbed Wire
Destinations, Part II
Male Short-eared Owl In Flight With Prey In His Talons
Fighting Male Short-eared Owls
Male Short-eared Owl In Flight With Prey
My Most Thrilling Prairie Falcon Encounter (and continuing story) Ever
Merlin In Warm Light (plus some falconry and family history)
Perhaps The Darkest Short-eared Owl I’ve Ever Photographed
Swainson’s Hawk Throwing A Pellet
Fledgling Mountain Bluebirds – “Frick And Frack”
A Swainson’s Hawk And Lupine
A Wary Bull Elk In Montana’s Centennial Valley

Note: As of a little while ago my blog has now been moved to the new server and that has caused some issues with this post. I originally posted it early this morning but when the blog was moved that post was lost in the transition so I’ve now posted it again. That’s why subscribers got a second email with the link to the post. All comments made on the old post this morning were lost – sorry about that! Hopefully there will be no more problems but if you notice something “haywire” on your end please let me know. Apologies for the inconvenience and confusion! This bull was far from a relatively “tame” National Park elk. He was wild, extremely wary, nervous and high-strung. There’s a robust elk herd in Montana’s Centennial Mountains but the hunting pressure on them is intense so in my experience it’s unusual to find them out in the open and exposed Centennial Valley to the north. But during the night some of them occasionally come out to feed in the valley and if you’re the first to drive the “South Road” at sunrise you have a small chance of catching them out in the open. 1/1600, f/6.3, ISO 800, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender That’s exactly what happened with this bull in velvet two weeks ago during my camping trip to the area. The road runs between the mountains and the valley where he was feeding so he and…