Short-eared Owl In Flight With Prey An owl in flight in low light and he’s still sharp. I must have been doing something right. Continue reading
Male Horned Lark Singing In The Early Morning Montana Cold Avian memories from my childhood. (4 photos) Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk Takeoff Series Finally, a bird in good light after several days of fog, overcast skies and wind. (5 photos) Continue reading
Female Mountain Bluebird Showing Her Mate Who’s Boss Including some behavior I don’t understand. Continue reading
A Centennial Valley Mystery Solved (probably) A minor mystery but still a mystery to me ( 4 photos) Continue reading
A Bird-skunked Day, Saved By A Chance Encounter With Two Old Friends Serendipity in the back country of Montana. Continue reading
Bathing Vesper Sparrow – My Small Contribution To A Body Of Knowledge Which provided a lot of personal satisfaction. (5 photos) Continue reading
A Digestive Surprise For A Juvenile Swainson’s Hawk I believe this Swainson’s Hawk was taken by surprise by what it found in its mouth. (8 photos) Continue reading
Hunters Are Killing Trumpeter Swans In Utah When They Shouldn’t Be I may not be successful but I’m going to try to keep today’s post as short as possible. I went off on a rant recently and I’d prefer not do it again. Not so soon anyway. Continue reading
A Massive Ferruginous Hawk Nest, Including A Chick And to think that we thought Red-tailed Hawk nests take a lot of work to build. A typical red-tail nest pales in comparison to this one. Continue reading