Female American Kestrel Up Close But In Challenging Light And an avian spectacle along the Antelope Island causeway. (4 images) Continue reading
Lamenting The Disappearing Great Salt Lake And Its Effect On Our Falcons Especially Peregrine Falcons and Prairie Falcons but other falcons too. Continue reading
The Antelope Island Brine Fly Feeding Frenzy Is In Full Swing An annual insectivorous smorgasbord laid out for birds and other critters. Continue reading
A Morning In The Life Of A Bird Photographer I just never know what I’ll find, or find out, during a morning of attempted bird photography. Yesterday provided ample evidence of that. Continue reading
Prairie Falcon Trying To Drag Heavy Prey Dragging her next meal over all the bumpy obstacles was almost too much for the struggling falcon. Continue reading
The Painted Bison Of Antelope Island Most folks don’t know much about them but the “painted bison” have become an iconic symbol of Antelope Island. Continue reading
Potpourri – A Few Recent Birds, Critters And Experiences Four bird, one mammal and two “experience” photos – all taken within the last several weeks. Continue reading
Peregrine Falcon Along The Antelope Island Causeway Yesterday Morning It’s been a long time since I’ve found a mostly cooperative Peregrine Falcon on or near Antelope Island. Continue reading
Foggy, Low Light Barn Owl In Flight – My Sharpness Issues May Be Over Yesterday was a good day. Despite the “soup” in our valleys I was able to get some shots that begin to confirm that my lens may be working properly again and I met one of my blog followers from out-of-town. Continue reading
Barn Owl In Flight Yesterday Morning Yesterday morning I had more luck with Barn Owls in flight – luck of both types. Continue reading
A Shrike, A Coyote And A Couple Of Lucky Rabbit’s Feet For me most of these shots from yesterday morning on Antelope Island have symbolic significance for the new year. Continue reading
Northern Shoveler Just Before Splash-down I’ll admit to often ignoring Northern Shovelers while they’re on the water but I enjoy the challenge of photographing them in flight. Continue reading
Coyote Buddies – Both Of Them Survivors I love it when critters overcome a stacked deck and beat the odds against their survival. Continue reading
The Gray Ghost Giving Me The Evil Eye The striking bright yellow eyes of the male Northern Harrier sometimes seem to bore right through me. Continue reading
Prairie Falcon – Satiated And Cleaning Up After A Big Meal I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a wild raptor with a more obviously bulging crop than this Prairie Falcon. Continue reading