Swainson’s Hawks – A Food Exchange That Didn’t Go As Planned But you certainly have to give them credit for their creative approach to the transfer. Continue reading
Immature Swainson’s Hawk Amongst The Sunflowers There are more very similar colors in these photos than you can shake the proverbial stick at. Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk – The First Raptor I Ever Photographed Up Close Until my encounter with this hawk I was beginning to seriously doubt that bird photography was for me. Continue reading
Some Interesting Swainson’s Hawk Mating And Feeding Behaviors I found some of the behaviors surprising and even a little perplexing. Continue reading
A Couple Of Hawks Separated By Species And Time There’s no common theme here other than both birds being hawks so I guess this post is a mini-potpourri but I always think it’s interesting to compare raptor species. Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk Throwing A Pellet And there’s a bit of a mystery involved with this one. Continue reading
A Swainson’s Hawk And Lupine I don’t often take “pretty pictures” but for my tastes this one fills the bill. Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk In Flight This adult light morph Swainson’s Hawk was a good omen for my present camping trip. Continue reading
“Swainson’s Hawk Rock” Earns Its Name Once Again Dang it was fun to find a bird on this rock again and I hope that trend continues. Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk Reacting To A Surprise Harrier Attack Sometimes when I think a hawk is about to take off there’s actually something completely different and unexpected about to happen. Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk – A Diagonal Takeoff Diagonal compositions of raptors in flight are a favorite of mine. Continue reading
Yesterday’s Swainson’s Hawks Yesterday was a banner day for Swainson’s Hawks in northern Utah. They seemed to be everywhere on fence posts, power poles, trees and in the sky. Continue reading
A Stunning Dark Morph Swainson’s Hawk I believe this bird to be the darkest dark morph Swainson’s Hawk I’ve ever encountered. Continue reading