Swainson’s Hawks – Sleeping Unihemispherically? A pretty nifty trick that even allows birds to sleep while they’re migrating over water. (6 photos) Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk Takeoff Series Finally, a bird in good light after several days of fog, overcast skies and wind. (5 photos) Continue reading
Peekaboo Swainson’s Hawk In Flight Yesterday was one of the best single days for both weather and bird photography I’ve ever had in the Centennial Valley. Continue reading
Three Ospreys And My First Of Year Swainson’s Hawks Yesterday was full of pleasant surprises. And one not so pleasant. (6 photos) Continue reading
A Digestive Surprise For A Juvenile Swainson’s Hawk I believe this Swainson’s Hawk was taken by surprise by what it found in its mouth. (8 photos) Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk In Flight A species I’ve posted very few photos of this year. (2 photos) Continue reading
Some Swainson’s Hawk Flight Postures I Like It seems like each year there are a few bird species that I see far fewer of than I have in previous years. (4 photos) Continue reading
A Pre-sunrise Swainson’s Hawk Photographs, even bird photographs, are often much more meaningful to the photographer who took them than they are to the casual observer. Here’s an example, and the reason why. Continue reading
The ‘True’ Eyelids Of A Swainson’s Hawk Since the eyelids of birds aren’t used in blinking we don’t get to see them very often. Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawk Nestled In Sagebrush Yesterday morning I finally found a few cooperative Swainson’s Hawks. Continue reading
Dark Morph Swainson’s Hawk Eating A Snake The last Swainson’s Hawk I photographed this year turned out to be more interesting than I initially thought it was. Continue reading