A Cedar Waxwing In Flight And The Scourge Of The Shadows The best laid plans of mice and men and bird photographers… Continue reading
Cedar Waxwing – Another Mysterious Behavior Recently I’ve been posting a few photos documenting bird behaviors I don’t understand. Earlier this week it happened again, this time with Cedar Waxwings. Continue reading
A Cedar Waxwing Becomes Part And Parcel Of A Tree Can one of a photo’s strengths also be a weakness? I’m asking for help in evaluating this one. Continue reading
Why Do Some Cedar Waxwings Lack Red Waxy Tips On Their Wings? This is something I hadn’t even noticed until fairly recently. I need to pay more attention. Continue reading
Cedar Waxwing On A Diagonal Perch It’s a simple shot and it may be a ‘bird on a stick’ but I like it. Continue reading
A Young Cedar Waxwing And The Mosquito Hawk That Kept On Giving When it comes to legs crane flies have a lot to give. Continue reading
Cedar Waxwing In Flight – A Work In Progress Live and learn is what they say but on this occasion a brain fart led to my downfall. I should have known better. Continue reading
Fluffed Up Cedar Waxwing Even a halfhearted rouse can drastically change the appearance of a bird. Continue reading
Have You Ever Seen A Cedar Waxwing With A Topknot (head plume)? Neither have I (although they do have a crest) but yesterday I found a waxwing that sure looked like it had a topknot of some kind. Continue reading
Cedar Waxwing Perched And Taking Off Waxwing takeoff shots have been a goal of mine for some time and I finally succeeded two days ago in the Wasatch Mountains. Continue reading
One Pissed-off Cedar Waxwing (plus a couple of bonus creatures) I had several surprises in the Wasatch Mountains yesterday morning. Continue reading
What About Those Red Waxy Tips On Cedar Waxwing Secondaries? What are they made of? What’s their purpose? And why do some waxwings have more red waxy tips than others and some individuals don’t have any at all? Continue reading