A Mix Of Birds And A Critter From My Recent Trip To Bear River MBR Ten photos of ten species. Continue reading
Why Black-necked Stilts Can Only Swallow Very Small Fish If you’re a stilt, size matters. (4 photos) Continue reading
Black-necked Stilt Attacking A Great Blue Heron An avian version of David and Goliath. With a similar result because the little guy came out on top. (8 photos) Continue reading
Black-necked Stilt In Flight Reaching for the sky with long, pink legs trailing behind.: Continue reading
Black-necked Stilt Calling At Takeoff Eight days ago at Bear River MBR I spent a big part of the morning watching aggressive interactions between pairs of Black-necked Stilts and American Avocets that were raising chicks. Continue reading
Baby Bird Bonanza At Bear River MBR And the skirmishes that break out when adult birds think their kids need protecting. (12 photos) Continue reading
Nesting American Avocets And Black-necked Stilts Yesterday I spent the morning at Bear River MBR. Nesting season continues and so do the inevitable conflicts between ground-nesting birds. (4 photos) Continue reading
Nesting Black-necked Stilts – The Changing Of The Guard Including a snippet of endearing tern behavior that I’d never seen before. Or even heard of. (12 photos) Continue reading
Juvenile Black-necked Stilt Portrait I don’t post portraits very often but sometimes I can’t resist. Continue reading
Black-necked Stilt (+ an interesting leveling/rotation technique) Sometimes we have to be creative to come up with leveling cues when an image needs rotation. Continue reading