Burrowing Owl Blunder After more than 15 years of photographing birds I’m still fine tuning my field ethics. (4 photos) Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie – An Interesting Flight Maneuver And some surprise magpie iridescence on an overcast morning. (2 photos) Continue reading
Some Of My Favorite Photos From The Distant Past – Volume 3 Ringing in the new year with older images. Each of the following six photos was published in the two month period between December 1, 2010 and January 31, 2011. Continue reading
A Sage Thrasher Photo That Looks Like A ‘Setup’ (but it isn’t of course) And a new milestone for Feathered Photography. Continue reading
Merlin In The Fog With Prey Plus raptor baiting right here in my home state of Utah. Continue reading
Willow Flycatcher – BOAS Versus BIH For years bird photographers and others have debated the relative strengths and weaknesses of two primary “styles” of bird photography. Continue reading
Northern Harrier In Flight At Farmington Farmington Bay WMA has been a madhouse lately. Continue reading
Adult Bald Eagle Coming In For A Landing If I remember correctly, and I believe I do, what this bird was really coming in for was a fight. Continue reading
A Burrowing Owl And Second Chances Sometimes a bad habit can give us a second chance and allow us to avoid making a mistake. Continue reading
Male Red-tailed Hawk Repeatedly Carrying Nesting Material After yesterday’s post featuring mating Red-tailed Hawks, today’s edition tells “the rest of the story”. Continue reading
Playing With Kingfishers I have certain lofty goals with Belted Kingfisher photos and I’m finally making some progress. Continue reading