A Bloody Barn Owl In Flight I’ve photographed hundreds of Barn Owls over the years but this was something I’d never seen before and haven’t seen since. Continue reading
A Different Perspective On A Barn Owl In Flight But first a more traditional look at a perched Barn Owl for those who may not appreciate the composition of the flight shot. Continue reading
Barn Owl In Flight Yesterday Morning (plus an earthquake going bump in the night) Due to my recent surgery I hadn’t been out shooting for over two weeks but when I saw there was a possibility for decent light yesterday morning I decided to give it a go. If felt good to be “out there” again. Continue reading
Barn Owl In Flight – Failure And Success When it comes to Barn Owls in flight sometimes you’re the windshield and sometimes you’re the bug. Continue reading
Barn Owl In The Fog Yesterday Morning At Bear River I figured my readers deserve to know one of the reasons I’ve been posting so many older photos lately. Continue reading
Barn Owl Flying Over The Phrags Serendipity strikes again but this time it took an unusual form. Continue reading
Side Lit Barn Owl Sidelight doesn’t always appeal to me. In fact it usually doesn’t but I think it works pretty well with this Barn Owl. Continue reading
Three Barn Owl Siblings Photographed in Near Darkness Using flash on owls at night or in darkness? Not me. Not ever. Continue reading
Hunting Barn Owl This owl was persistent in its hunting and eventually patience paid off. Continue reading
“The Money’s In The Details” Detail matters. It matters in photography, in carpentry and in nearly all of our endeavors if we want a quality product. Continue reading
A New Year’s Lesson From A Barn Owl Before we can photograph owls we have to find them and this wise ol’ Barn Owl taught me a valuable lesson in that regard. Continue reading
A Couple Of Interesting Barn Owl Images Each of these photos has something just a little bit different about it, at least in my collection of Barn Owl images. Continue reading
Barn Owl Landing Series This is the only time I’ve ever been able to capture a series of photos of a Barn Owl during the landing process. Continue reading
Barn Owl – Now, How Do I Get Out Of This Snowbank? Barn Owls can almost disappear beneath the snow in a plunge after prey. Continue reading