Tag: barbed wire
Male Ring-necked Pheasant Displaying In A Rustic Setting
Burrowing Owl – Nonchalance In The Presence Of Danger
Pronghorn Fawn Trotting Like A Horse
A Hugely Coincidental Encounter With A Juvenile Short-eared Owl
Young Short-eared Owl Experimenting With Its Eyesight?
Meet Galileo
Update On The “Barbed Wire Owl” With Current Photo Of It In Rehab
An Owl, Barbed Wire And The (expensive) Solution To My Camera Problems
Adult Red-tailed Hawk In Flight And A Plug For Rehab Organizations
A Pronghorn Fawn And A Near-disaster With Barbed Wire

I’m growing weary of featuring wildlife encounters with barbed wire on my blog and I’m sure some of my readers are too (that’s one of the reasons I’ve put this post off for over a month). But dammit, I just can’t stick my head in the sand and pretend this kind of thing doesn’t happen (don’t worry, there are no gory photos in this post).
Red-naped Sapsucker Removing Wood Chips And Fecal Sac From Nest Cavity (+ a barbed wire owl update)
Short-eared Owl Siblings Parallaxing (and an update on the owl hung up on barbed wire)

Normally it’s my practice to avoid posting the same species two days in a row. But in celebration of the (unexpected) good news about the juvenile Short-eared Owl we rescued from barbed wire two days ago I decided to make an exception. After all, I think we all prefer our owls happy and acting normally rather than hanging from barbed wire and in despair.