Tag: avocet eating a fish
Belted Kingfisher Revisited
Pelicans And A Fish Too Big To Swallow – Part 1
American Avocet Feeding on Fish
I’ve spent many, many hours watching and photographing feeding avocets and have never once seen one eat a fish or even attempt to catch one that I was aware of. Until yesterday. American Avocet feeding on fish at Bear River MBR While at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge I photographed this avocet catching, manipulating and finally swallowing a fish. I know that this behavior is not unheard of as Birds of North America Online (BNA) states that this species sometimes eats fish and my friend Dave Sparks once posted an avocet with a fish on an online critique forum. However, for me it was something new and unique and worthy of a post here. Ron