Tag: antelope island causeway
An Indecisive Coyote With A Male Northern Shoveler As Prey
Short-eared Owl In The Snow Looking Every Which Way
Coyote Fascinated By His Own Reflection
Hovering Male Northern Harrier – Gray On Gray
Male Northern Harrier In Flight
Multiple Leucistic Eared Grebes Along The Antelope Island Causeway
Rough-legged Hawk With A Vole And Kiting In The Wind
A Harrier Teasing Me In The Wind
Prairie Falcon In Flight With A Duck In Its Talons
Female American Kestrel Feeding On A Vole
Juvenile Peregrine Falcon (plus a look at the falcon “nostril cone”)
I’ve seen a fair number of Peregrine and Prairie Falcons on Antelope Island this winter but this is the only one that hasn’t proven elusive.