A Northern Harrier And Another Bump In The Road A road I may not see again for a while. (3 photos and a video clip) Continue reading
My Best Day With Northern Harriers In Years Sometimes wind is the bird photographer’s friend. (9 photos) Continue reading
Causeway Coyote When I visit Antelope Island I always try to arrive on the island proper a few minutes before sunrise. That has its advantages and disadvantages. (2 photos) Continue reading
Coyote Pair Along The Shore At Sunrise Plus an unusual bird for me to see, much less photograph. (3 photos) Continue reading
A Coyote Exhibiting Self Awareness? I believe so but I’m not completely convinced. (9 photos) Continue reading
Male Northern Harrier Perched And Taking Off Talk about a last-minute opportunity. (2 photos) Continue reading
Northern Shovelers Flying In Formation Speedy and erratic ducks in flight are a good test for a new camera. (3 images) Continue reading
Bald Eagle In Flight With Two Green-winged Teals In Its Crosshairs Bald Eagle + thousands of ducks = instant pandemonium. Continue reading
Update On What Was Causing Ducks To Be Disabled On The Antelope Island Causeway Yesterday morning I had two goals when I made a trip to Antelope Island as a snowstorm was moving in from the north. Continue reading
Coyote Lying Down And Then Resting On The Shore At Sunrise Even mundane moments like this one can be pretty special when a wild animal allows us such an intimate look into their world. Continue reading
Young Burrowing Owl Siblings Doing Their ‘Cute’ Thing In case you thought yawning is contagious only in humans. Continue reading
A Spotlit Prairie Falcon At Sunrise A lighting effect I almost never get on a raptor. Or any other bird for that matter. Continue reading