A Mix Of Birds And A Critter From My Recent Trip To Bear River MBR Ten photos of ten species. Continue reading
Having Fun With Coots On Very Thin Ice Two days ago I had a blast photographing American Coots attempting to negotiate very thin ice on a local pond. (12 photos and a video clip) Continue reading
A Pied-billed Grebe And A Coot Competing For The Same Fish These two birds duked it out for nearly three minutes. (22 photos) Continue reading
Baby Bird Bonanza At Bear River MBR And the skirmishes that break out when adult birds think their kids need protecting. (12 photos) Continue reading
Leucistic American Coot – A Potentially Useful Tool For Researchers A dramatically leucistic American Coot has been resident at a local pond for nearly the entire winter. Continue reading
Three Common But Under-photographed And Under-loved Bird species Four recent photos of three species that deserve a little more respect. Continue reading
Two Interesting Coots From Yesterday – One Angry, The Other Dramatically Leucistic The strangest looking coot I’ve ever seen. (3 photos) Continue reading
An Angry American Coot American Coots are universally described as quarrelsome and belligerent but this time of year they crank it up a notch. Or two. (three photos) Continue reading
An Angry Coot Attacking A Terrified One And when it happened I got lucky. (2 photos) Continue reading
Thieving Gulls At Bear River MBR With gulls in the area, goldeneyes and coots stand a very good chance of losing their meals. (12 photos) Continue reading
Bathing American Coot Photographing bathing birds is always fun but getting quality photos during all the pandemonium isn’t easy, especially when a black bird with a white bill is involved. Continue reading
Coot Fight – The Brawl Continues And Then Concludes With A Winner A metaphor of sorts for today’s historic events in Washington DC. Continue reading