Tag: alectoris chukar
Flower Child Chukar
Chukar – Wish For It And It May Happen
Calling Chukar (and the frustrations of bright perches)
Chukar Negotiating A Slippery Slope
One Giant Step For A Chukar
Chukars – A Pair
Sidelit Chukar
Chukars – Fighting Takes Its Toll
Chukars – A Probable Mated Pair
High-stepping, Far-falling Chukars
Finally! – Another Cooperative Chukar
Chukar Calling On One Foot

Chukars continue to be one of my preferred subjects during the winter and spring due to their distinctive and colorful plumage and their often comical behavior. They are abundant on Antelope Island and even somewhat approachable there – at least in comparison to their skittish and wily ways elsewhere (hunters consider them to be among the most challenging of upland game species).