West Desert Chukar It’s unusual, even rare, for me to get quality photos of truly wild Chukars. (2 photos) Continue reading
Battle-scarred Chukars I’m still learning stuff about birds from my older photos. (3 photos) Continue reading
Fighting Chukars Normally I try to avoid publishing photos of the same species in back-to-back posts but I’ll make an exception for a Chukar fight. (5 photos) Continue reading
West Desert Chukar This bird was most definitely not one of the relatively ‘tame’ Chukars on Antelope Island. (2 photos) Continue reading
Chukars Were Plentiful In The West Desert Yesterday And some of them even came out to play. (7 photos) Continue reading
A Truly ‘Wild’ Chukar… instead of yet another semi-tame Chukar on Antelope Island. Plus my first of year Swainson’s Hawks. (3 photos) Continue reading
Chukar Calling From A 2.5 Billion Year Old Rock There’s old and then there’s really, really old. (2 photos) Continue reading
A Chukar Amongst Wildflowers This Chukar was one of the most cooperative birds of any species I’ve photographed. Continue reading