Tag: adult
Blurry Wing Tips – Is It Shutter Speed Or Depth Of Field?
Gray Partridge – Adult and Young Juvenile
White-crowned Sparrow Immatures And Adults – Skewed Populations?
Curious Swainson’s Hawk Checking Me Out In Flight
Adult Swainson’s Hawk In Flight
Yet Another Reason For Photographing Raptors When The Sun Is Low
Bald Eagle Leveling Out After A Steep Dive
Intermediate-Morph Red-tailed Hawk And Juniper Berries
Intensity – Bald Eagle Landing For A Fight
A Survivor! Last Year’s One-footed Merganser Has Returned
Frost-eating White-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrows – Sunflower Gluttony And Crossed Bills

A local pumpkin farmer (Pack Farms) plants sunflowers along the periphery of his pumpkin field and each fall they provide a messy bounty for a variety of birds. Most species seem to be tidy eaters but the juvenile White-crowned Sparrows are an exception.
The orange in the background of these shots is – you guessed it – pumpkins.