Adult Rough-legged Hawk In Full Flight Yesterday morning the fog was threatening but it mostly stayed away. Continue reading
Adult White-crowned Sparrow Framed By Greasewood The 3D effect is strong in this one.. Continue reading
White Crowned Sparrows On Greasewood Another in my irregular series in tribute to the common species. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Running The Gauntlet More evidence that raptors can be incredibly agile and quick when they need to be. Continue reading
An Owl, A Willet, A Coincidence And The End Of A Very Long Story A five year old story comes to its final conclusion. Continue reading
Adult Red-tailed Hawk Takeoff And Flight Yet another hawk looking pretty beat-up from molt, this one from two days ago. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Series – Takeoff And In Flight Junipers and their berries are always a welcome addition to the settings of my photos. Continue reading
Adult Red-tailed Hawk In Flight Over A Juniper Tree This photo from yesterday quickly became a favorite of mine as soon as I saw it on my big screen. Continue reading
A Bald Eagle Mystery Yesterday while reviewing my older photos I made a double discovery in a short Bald Eagle flight series – a photo I like very much that I didn’t know existed and a mystery. Continue reading
Adult Bald Eagle On The Prowl For Ducks When you’re photographing ducks on the water it’s nice to be able to just raise your lens a few degrees and take photos of a marauding Bald Eagle. Continue reading
Bald Eagle In Flight Against A Wasatch Mountain Background Having mountains so close to many of my favorite birding locations is a double-edged sword. Continue reading
Rousing Dark Morph Red-tailed Hawk Well I’m here, camped in a remote spot on the Montana/Idaho border. Continue reading
Swainson’s Hawks – A Food Exchange That Didn’t Go As Planned But you certainly have to give them credit for their creative approach to the transfer. Continue reading