Do Adult Red-tailed Hawks Always Have Dark Eyes? The answer might surprise you. (4 photos) Continue reading
Immature Red-tailed Hawk In The Crosshairs Of An American Kestrel Except for one quick trip to Farmington Bay WMA, yesterday was my first time out photographing birds in 41 days while I’ve been recovering from back surgery. If felt good. Very good. (2 photos) Continue reading
Amaranth Seeds Have Been Mailed Along with something much more important. (3 photos) Continue reading
Red-winged Blackbird Upside Down On A Sunflower One way to prevent/reduce sharpening halos during processing. (4 versions of the same image) Continue reading
Greater Yellowlegs In Flight Yesterday morning was my first time out shooting in 29 days. It (mostly) felt very, very good. (3 images) Continue reading
Now I Better Understand Why Spinal Fusion Recovery Is So Painful An eye opener. (3 photos) Continue reading
Ticks, Rabbits And Family History Rabbits are notorious for having heavy tick infestations. Some of my Mormon pioneer ancestors shared a related fate, as did Brigham Young. (5 photos) Continue reading