Male Northern Harrier Almost Blown Off His Perch
I don’t often get close to perched male harriers but on Antelope Island a couple of months ago this one made an exception for me. 1/3200, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc As I watched him through my lens a sudden wind gust almost blew him off of this pointed and precarious post perch and I liked some of the poses that resulted. It’s times like this that I appreciate the relatively fast burst rate of the Canon 7D. I didn’t get a great look at the eye in this first shot but I liked the tail, wing and left foot positions that show his obvious attempt to recover stability on the perch. 1/3200, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc A better look at the eye and a higher wing position in this image… 1/3200, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc and in the very next frame he extends his left wing far out in front. 1/3200, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc Still recovering. Notice the bloody feet in these shots, most likely from his last vole meal. 1/3200, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc Finally, he’s recovered enough to give me direct eye contact. 1/2500, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc A little ruffled by the experience but in the end, all’s well. This series is an example of why, after I’ve taken a few static shots of the bird, I like to bump my settings to give me enough shutter speed…
Just A Shot That I Like… # 27, Savannah Sparrow Wing Stretch
So very often when an avian subject gives the photographer a nice wing stretch the bird is either facing away or there’s no light on the face. So I always appreciate it when things work out with a shot like that. 1/2500, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc This Savannah Sparrow (along with several others of various species) would forage in the Montana pasture grass for a while and then return to the barbed wire to preen and occasionally stretch. I like the diaphanous qualities of the right wing that allow the viewer to see the fanned tail and stretched out foot and leg through the wing feathers. Ron
Gray Partridges In Glacier County, Montana
Gray Partridges are very elusive. In all the years I’ve been returning to Montana I’ve never been able to get acceptable images of them until this last trip. Since most folks in North America never get an opportunity to see this species I thought I’d post a few shots of them. Hunters and locals routinely call these birds Hungarian Partridges, or “Huns” for short. Growing up, that’s the only name I knew them by. 1/1250, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc It’s difficult to catch one of these birds standing still. Usually, whenever you’re anywhere near them, they’re running for cover… 1/1600, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc as this bird is. And believe me, they run fast! Anyone who has ever unexpectedly flushed a group of these birds has had an experience they won’t soon forget. The squawking noise they make, combined with the racket from their buzz-saw wings as they erupt in front of you, can be extremely startling – an experience I’ve had many times. Gets the heart pounding, that’s for sure. 1/2000, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc This is a juvenile. I’ve cropped this image a little more than I like to but I preferred this pose over other shots of juvies I got. This partridge has a short lifespan, high mortality rate and high reproductive capability. Females produce among the largest single hen clutches of any bird species (up to 20 eggs). And reproductively, this year must have been highly successful for them…
Ferruginous Hawk On A Rustic Perch
Ferruginous Hawks are very impressive birds when you get this close to them. They are massive broad-winged hawks with a wide gape, large head and burly chest. They are our largest buteo and share many characteristics with the Golden Eagle. Last week in Montana I came across this bird on what is apparently a favorite perch – a rustic entrance gate to an irrigated farm in a small, beautiful and lush valley in Beaverhead County. I say “favorite perch” because I found this same bird (apparently) on the same gate, and in the same position, last month. 1/2500, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 These hawks are “sit and wait” hunters, which is exactly what this bird was doing. Their preferred prey is ground squirrels and prairie dogs and based on the number of badger holes in the valley I’d guess that there’s plenty of ground squirrels available. This is another version of the same image, cropped differently and more closely to better show the group of gnats (no-see-ums) swarming around the head of the hawk (to the left, I cloned them out in the first image). In some ways the biologist in me actually prefers the second version. 1/2000, f/8, ISO 500, 500 f/4 When it took off it was facing away and I clipped a wing-tip but I decided to include this image anyway to show the bird up close and in flight. Ron
Swainson’s Hawk Regurgitating Pellets
Western Montana has been awash in Swainson’s Hawks this summer. From the Canadian border (Glacier County) to the southern border with Idaho (Beaverhead County) I found them in significantly larger numbers than I have seen in previous summers. I hope this very unscientific observation is accurate and that it bodes them well as a species because their numbers have been declining to the point where they are listed as a Species of Special Concern in several western states. 1/2000, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 I found this handsome juvenile this past week along a county road in Beaverhead County. At first it was very relaxed and assumed this clenched fist pose that is so typical of many buteo species when they’re at ease and resting. 1/1600, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 But soon it began to arch its neck and I recognized that it was about to attempt to expel a pellet. I had already taken my tc off in anticipation of take-off so I decided to leave it off because so often in the past I’ve missed the falling pellet as it dropped out of frame at the bottom. 1/2000, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 Then, with the nictitating membrane pulled over the eye, the bird began to retch. These few images showing pellet ejection may give the viewer the impression that it all happened very quickly. It didn’t. From beginning to end the whole process took over four minutes. During that time there were alternating periods of retching and resting and it didn’t look to be a…
Short-eared Owl Displaying Ear Tufts
Short-eared Owls are always a primary photographic quarry for me whenever I visit the Centennial Valley in sw Montana but on this last trip I only found one. However, that lone bird made up for it by showing me something fairly unusual. 1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc These owls have short ear tufts (“ears”) but they are only rarely seen because they are usually laying down on the top of the head. Here they can be seen, but just barely. 1/2000, f/5.6, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc However, when the bird turned to face me for just a moment the tufts became visible. Typically they are only erected in a defensive pose and I don’t know if this owl deliberately displayed them to me because it thought I was too close or if a breeze from the back lifted them involuntarily. I suspect it was the latter because in the shots right after this one other feathers on the head look to be blown erect by the breeze. Either way I was glad to see the tufts. I have hundreds of images of this species and very few of them show the “ears”. Ron
A Badger At Eye Level
We just returned a couple of hours ago from an 8 day photo/camping trip in western Montana so this will be a short post since I’m all tuckered out and still have lots to do to catch up on the backlog that built up while I was gone – aggravated by the fact that my laptop Wi-Fi died during the trip. Frustration! 1/1250, f/9, ISO 500, 500 f/4 Yesterday evening we were photographing a family of Swainson’s Hawks while parked next to a small hill. The hill was right next to my truck and the top of it was just about eye level. Suddenly a badger poked its head up out of the grasses, sage and rabbitbrush on top of the hill to check us out. He/she seemed just as curious about us as we were about it. 1/800, f/13, ISO 500, 500 f/4 The extremely low angle made it impossible to get the whole critter in the image but I really liked the eye-level portraits I was able to get anyway. For this shot the badger raised itself slightly and I lifted my lens as high as possible from inside the truck to get as much of the lower body in the image as I could. This was one of our most photographically successful trips to Montana and I hope to post quite a few images (raptors in particular) from our journey in the near future. Ron
Swainson’s Hawk Take-off Sequence
While cruising the back roads of Glacier County, Montana two days ago we came across this Swainson’s Hawk hunting grasshoppers from an old fence post. Hunting is easy now because it’s harvest time up here and the huge grasshoppers are everywhere – as evidenced by the colorful and greasy windshields of almost every vehicle you see. 1/4000, f/6.3, iso 500, 500 f/4 When the bird seemed about to take off I made one of those split-second decisions that every bird photographer is faced with. Since it looked like the hawk might launch at a 90 degree angle to my position (and stay the same distance from me for the first few flight strokes) I decided to prefocus on the bird and then not attempt to actively maintain focus in flight for fear of having focus lock on to the background instead of the bird. This time it worked… 1/4000, f/6.3, iso 500, 500 f/4 The bird begins to launch. 1/4000, f/6.3, iso 500, 500 f/4 The beginning of my burst caught the hawk in one of those dynamic, stretched-out postures that I like. As you can see the bird lost a feather as it took off. 1/4000, f/6.3, iso 500, 500 f/4 By the next wing stroke it was already to the next fence post. I got several more sharp shots as the bird passed to my left but of course the further it flew the less eye contact I had so the early shots were the best of the bunch. The Swainson’s…
Critters On My Family Farm In Glacier County, Montana
This post is an experiment. I’m on the road right now, visiting the family farm in nw Montana where I grew up. As a result, these images were processed on my laptop so I’m unsure about sharpness, brightness, color and other aspects of processing. I’ve never posted from my laptop before but thought I’d take a chance and see what happens… All three of these images were taken on the farm in the last 24 hours. 1/800, f/11, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc There has been a breeding pair of Great Horned Owls on the farm for many years now, residing in the multiple old barns and granaries. This is the male. 1/1250, f/8, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc As we came down the hill toward the house this morning I spotted these two White-tail fawns drinking in the creek. It seems to me that they’re pretty young for so late in the year. 1/800, f/11, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc The Gray Partridge is common on the farm but extremely difficult to approach. This is as close as I’ve been able to get so far but you can bet I’ll be working to get closer until we leave for home. (I was at f/11 because I was trying to photograph multiple birds as they scurried through the grass). This species used to be called the Hungarian Partridge, so everyone up here has always called them “huns”. So far it’s been a great trip and I hope to have…
Rustic Red-tail
This is another Montana Red-tailed Hawk, photographed in Beaverhead County a few weeks ago. 1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc I tend to like rustic settings like this for raptors in general but particularly for Red-tails because they have adapted so well to our rural habitats. 1/800, f/9, ISO 500, 500 f/4 This hawk was hunting from the post and changed positions on the perch several times to get a better view in different directions. 1/1250, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 Soon the bird went into stretch mode. 1/500, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 But eventually it spotted something of interest on the ground (and very close to me) and flew down to investigate. It didn’t find any prey and here it is looking back toward the fence – deciding which fence post to use for its next perch. 1/1000, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 It chose another near-by post to hunt from but that hunting station didn’t last long because… 1/1000, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 a very aggressive robin took exception to this new location. 1/500, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4 The hawk took the bombardment for a short period but eventually took off in apparent exasperation – with the angry robin continuing to buzz the raptor all the way. The more time I spend with raptors the more I realize just how much harassment they get from other bird species. At times they seem to have no peace whatsoever….