Mating Swainson’s Hawks
Loggerhead Shrikes “Mate Feeding”
A Willet, An Impaled Pellet And A Photographer Caught By Surprise
Sandhill Crane In Flight
I started thinking about Sandhill Cranes for this post because a few days ago I drove through some of the mountain valleys in the Wasatch Range where I usually see these birds this time of year and they seemed to be totally absent. I hope that was just a happenstance of observation and not an actual fact. Earlier this spring I did see a lot of them migrating through.
Red-tailed Hawk With A View Over The Great Salt Lake
Mockingbird Flight Display (and a change in shooting technique)
This spring I’ve had several opportunities to photograph the courtship “flight display” of the male Northern Mockingbird. While singing continuously from his perch he jumps almost straight up about six feet as he flaps his wings a couple of times which displays those conspicuous white wing patches and then parachutes down with wings open to the same perch. This performance is repeated every 30-60 seconds or so for an extended period of time.
Male Loggerhead Shrike Feeding His Mate
Birds, Bugs And Frustrations On Antelope Island
Long-billed Curlew Chick (and the length that bill must grow!)
Ratchet pointing, Dip-shaking Western Grebes
Two behaviors indicative of pair bonds between mated pairs of Western (or Clark’s) Grebes are “Ratchet pointing” and “Dip-shaking”. The behaviors are often alternated, one after the other. I photographed both of them as they were performed by a pair of Western Grebes three days ago at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.