Flame Skimmer Borrowing A Hunting Technique From Red-tailed Hawks Or maybe it was the other way around. (7 photos) Continue reading
You Might Be Surprised By How Wide Hummingbirds Can Open Their Bills I was. (3 photos) Continue reading
Sandhill Cranes Calling In The Marsh At Sunrise One of the very best ways to begin a morning. Continue reading
A Couple Of Immature Black-crowned Night Herons In Flight Yesterday was a night heron kind of day. (2 photos) Continue reading
A Couple Of Engaging Rodents In The Mountains Yesterday Morning When I’m out in nature I think of myself as a ‘watcher’ as I try to take in all the small details of my environment (remember Tyler, the biologist in Never Cry Wolf?). But sometimes the watcher becomes the watched. (4 photos) Continue reading
Turkey Vulture Showing Off What I Think Is Their Best Field Mark By “best” field mark, I mean the field mark that is most easily seen while they’re in flight and most reliable in confirming their ID from a distance. Continue reading
Male American Kestrel Struggling To Stay On A Spindly Perch Poor guy couldn’t get his balance. Continue reading
Clark’s Grebe And Chick, Both Posing For The Photographer A little serendipity on Saturday morning. Continue reading
One-winged Hummingbird In Flight? Another disappearing wing, but for a different reason. (3 photos) Continue reading