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Recent Posts
- Some Birds And Critters On Antelope Island Yesterday Morning
- Pond Birds
- Please Help Me Choose A Photo To Print And Hang In My New Trailer
- A Northern Harrier And Another Bump In The Road
- Getting A New Camping Trailer Road-ready Is A Pain In The Butt
- AOM – The Reluctant Lothario, Part II
- AOM – The Reluctant Lothario, Part I
- A Chukar Behavior I’ve Never Seen Before
- Nesting Red-tailed Hawks
- A Male Northern Harrier In Flight As The Canon R5 Shines Again
- Some Recent Birds And Critters
- Adult Male Northern Harrier Hunting And Diving On Prey
- Camping Again
- American Kestrel Mating Series
Blogs I Follow
- Adventures of a Vagabond Volunteer – Marilyn Kircus
- Big Sky Country – Katie LaSalle-Lowery
- Dave Sparks Photo Galleries
- Elephant's Child Blog
- HawkWatch International Blog
- In Light of Nature Photography – Ed Mackerrow
- Ingrid Taylar Blog
- Lagniappe – Linda Leinen (shoreacres)
- Of Birds and B – Bryce Robinson
- OnThe WingPhotography – Mia McPherson
- Our Florida Journal – Wally Jones
- Wickersham's Conscience – Jim DeWitt
These shots are just stunning!!!! I am so happy to have found your site. I live in northern CT and have been fortunate to see my first Northern Harrier- both the female and the elusive “Gray Ghost” male. You’ve captured such breath-taking images; I keep scrolling through them. I just love this bird!!! Do you sell your pictures?
Love the Cooper’s shots, Ron. And your memories of The Eagles. Good music, no doubt.
How do I get a hold of this photographer? I would love to have some of these Owls on my Website!
My apologies about the delay in getting my books to you. I hope to get them out very soon. I had a stroke which has caused a lot of changes, in the short term. I’m very lucky and damage was very minimal and I am headed to full recovery very, very quickly In fact, my wife and I are spending a few days at the coast for our 20th anniversary. When we return I will do my best to send the books out. Thanks for tour patience.
Ron I sent a comment about American Bitterns living in my Ficus Tree in Desert Hot Springs, CA. Is this a normal area for these birds. They have had at least 2 sets of them born in my tree. At night they are very chatty, but during the day are basically quiet. I have taken some pictures of them in the Pepper Trees in my Mobile Home park. I will be happy to send them to you. Twice this month they have dropped fish in my driveway, that’s a strange thing to happen in the desert. A couple of my friends were here two weeks ago when it first happened. It happened again last night. We have a fish hatchery close by, which may be why they are here, I would love to know if this is a normal thing for these birds. Please let me know. I would be very happy to send you pictures to know for sure if these are Bitterns. Thank You. I am sitting here listening to the babies chattering now. It is strange.
Eve, I’ve already emailed you with info that I hope is helpful. Sure, send me photos of your birds to that email address.
Ron, a good friend told me about your blog this morning, mentioning it as being his most popular along with Mia McPherson’s Blog, which I like very much. His name is Ned Harris and has quite the blog on Raptor’s and Aircraft here in Tucson Az.
You mentioned to a person that getting signed up to this blog was as simple as “signing up at the far right corner of the page” but for the life of me I cannot find any signup spot! Can you clarify this for me?
Thank you, Alan Kearney, Tucson Az
Hi Alan. I’ve emailed you with more information.
Your 12/25 blog was well said. Your blog site is the first one that I go to each morning. One day I hope to be able to take photos of the quality you post each and every day. Hoping you had a very Merry Christmas and good birding as well.
Willets, what elegant birds, ‘Swan Lake’ next. Your images are always stunning, we devour each picture.