One Of My Photos, An Honest Mistake And Redemption Artist and gallery director Tony Krohl has restored some of my faith in humanity. (5 photos and a link to a short video) Continue reading
What I Thought Was Some Unusual Magpie Behavior Turned Out To Be Something Else Something more sinister. Probably. (6 photos) Continue reading
Burrowing Owl Blunder After more than 15 years of photographing birds I’m still fine tuning my field ethics. (4 photos) Continue reading
A Northern Harrier Photo Of Mine And An Image Thief Exposed How blatant (and clueless) can these image thieves get? (3 photos including screen shots) Continue reading
Three Ospreys And My First Of Year Swainson’s Hawks Yesterday was full of pleasant surprises. And one not so pleasant. (6 photos) Continue reading
Northern Shoveler Drake Taking Off Shades of yesterday’s Cinnamon Teal post but this time you get a different species and a curve ball. (3 versions of the same photo) Continue reading
Nesting Great Horned Owl Only the second time I’ve photographed a nesting Great Horned Owl in a completely natural setting and it happened yesterday morning. (2 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harrier In Flight While Carrying An Apparently Prized Possession One of my most strongly three-dimensional images. Continue reading
Northern Harrier Coming At Me From the sublime to the profane in not much more than the blink of an eye. (3 photos) Continue reading
Female Black Chinned Hummingbird And A Photography Challenge A progress report on a photography challenge I’ve recently assigned myself. I figure if I make my goal public it’ll provide extra motivation to succeed. (3 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk – A Sideways Takeoff Yes, another Red-tailed Hawk. But this takeoff and early flight are quite different from anything else I’ve posted recently. (9 photos) Continue reading
Immature Black-billed Magpie Taking Off And some thoughts on roadkill, of all things. Continue reading
Paraplane (powered parachute) On Antelope Island – WTF? Something isn’t right here. (3 photos) Continue reading