Warbling Vireo – Too Much Of A Good Thing When it comes to Warbling Vireos I seem to get one extreme or the other. Continue reading
Least Chipmunk Being Cuter Than Usual This is the first time I’ve ever found two separate optical illusions in the same photo. Continue reading
Immature Western Tanager After A Dainty Bath Plus a local man has died after likely being gored by a bison on Antelope Island. Continue reading
Coyote With Raised Hackles I can only guess what caused this coyote to bristle like it did but something ‘out there’ certainly got its attention as a potential threat or rival. Continue reading
A Sampling Of Birds In The Mountains Yesterday Morning Including one with an atypical bill. Continue reading
What Happened To The Chukars On Antelope Island? For several years I’ve wanted to know what caused the Chukar population on Antelope Island to crash. Recently State Park Assistant Manager Wendy Wilson provided some answers. Continue reading
Uinta Ground Squirrel Eating A Squirming Earthworm If you pay attention you just never know what you’ll encounter “out there”. Continue reading
Subadult Bald Eagle With Unusual Head Markings Plus yesterday morning I had one of my most frustrating experiences ever with any kind of wildlife. This time with a bobcat. Continue reading
Coyote Fascinated By His Own Reflection I love being a witness to moments like this in nature because they can strongly suggest conscious self-awareness in animals. Continue reading
An Impressive Desert Bighorn Ram I was happy to get this stately fellow against the skyline but It took a while before it happened. Continue reading
Coyote At Sunrise I have a soft spot for coyotes that goes all the way back to my time growing up on the Montana farm. Continue reading
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Actually Out In The Open Plus a cute and hungry muskrat thrown in for good measure. Continue reading
A Hunting Coyote And A Fish-eating Raccoon Fur instead of feathers today. And a question about predator and “pest” control at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. Continue reading