Plus why I’m so enamored by the traditions and artifacts of the Plains Indians and their connections to our family farm (yes, I got a little carried away today…).
At least those youngsters on the Montana family farm like to wander but they’re always raised in the dark and confined interiors of old granaries. I’ve often wondered if GHO chicks raised in trees do the same thing at this tender age but I have little experience with that situation.
Man, does this photo ever bring back memories from long ago! It was taken on May 16, 2007 and it was the first flight shot of any bird I ever attempted.
Occasionally physical variations in birds cause me to do a double-take. That’s exactly what happened yesterday morning with a Great Horned Owl in Box Elder County and in this case it was because of the length of its ear tufts (“horns”).
An American Badger here in Utah buried an entire cow carcass and they have it on “video” – (really time lapse photography, speeded up). It’s only a calf but it’s still hugely impressive and the behavior was previously unknown.
Whenever I visit the northwest Montana farm where I grew up I feel like I’m returning home. It’s been 50 years since I actually lived there but I don’t think that feeling will ever leave me.