Western Meadowlark Aggressive Upward Takeoff And Flight Series And another series to show what I was up against while attempting to photograph fighting meadowlarks. (7 photos) Continue reading
Western Meadowlark Takeoff And Flight Series Sometimes, in the literal blink of an eye, the photographer’s instincts take over and save the day. (6 photos) Continue reading
My Most Unusual Meadowlark Takeoff Shot Yesterday morning some of the meadowlarks on Antelope Island were fighting over breeding territory. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark Singing While Perched And Singing In Flight Plus some unexpected excitement on Antelope Island yesterday morning. (3 photos) Continue reading
What Happened To Antelope Island’s Magpies? Magpies on Antelope Island begin their nesting activities in February. Usually… Continue reading
Yesterday’s Antelope Island Potpourri In A Downpour Plus an update on the buck pronghorn with the apparently defective radio collar. (6 photos) Continue reading
Fighting Pronghorn A radio collar on a pronghorn buck that might be too loose? (3 photos) Continue reading
Cowbird Drinking Bison Snot Birds do what they have to do in order to survive in harsh conditions. (8 photos) Continue reading
European Starling Perched, Taking Off And In Flight Plus a bike-riding raven and a motorcycle-riding owl. (7 photos) Continue reading
I Now Know A Lot About The Banded Male Kestrel And about the meaning of the different colored bands used by HawkWatch International when they’re banding kestrels. (6 photos) Continue reading
American Kestrels Past And Present A male kestrel from yesterday morning and another one from almost exactly two years ago. (six photos) Continue reading
Coyotes, Magpies, Jackrabbits And Mule Deer Struggle To Survive In Deep Snow My morning on Antelope Island on December 29, 2014 was like no other, before or since. (2 photos) Continue reading