The Female Red-winged Blackbird And Some Kamikaze Midges Midges with a death wish. (4 photos) Continue reading
A Midge Smorgasbord At Bear River MBR Everyone seemed to be eating midges, including me. (10 photos) Continue reading
The Only Wildlife Rehabilitation Center In Northern Utah Is Being Forced To Relocate Or Close And the timeline Ogden city officials are sticking to is unreasonable. Continue reading
A Bird-skunked Day, Saved By A Chance Encounter With Two Old Friends Serendipity in the back country of Montana. Continue reading
Three Common But Under-photographed And Under-loved Bird species Four recent photos of three species that deserve a little more respect. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark Showing Off Its Winter Colors After a snowstorm for the record book I needed to see something colorful and cheery in my white world. Continue reading
Northern Harrier Just Hanging In The Air Including some of the last bare ground I’ll see for a while. Probably a long while. (2 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harrier Coming At Me From the sublime to the profane in not much more than the blink of an eye. (3 photos) Continue reading
Exciting Times At Farmington’s Great Blue Heron Rookery Yesterday morning as I approached the Eccles Wildlife Education Center at Farmington Bay I noticed some kind of hubbub going on in their parking lot. (7 photos) Continue reading
Belted Kingfisher Diving Very Close To Danger When I’m photographing this male kingfisher I’m often holding my breath. (3 photos) Continue reading
Sidelit Adult Bald Eagle Landing In A Tree And meet Ashley Kijowski, the new Director of the Eccles Wildlife Education Center. Continue reading
Saving Great Salt Lake – A Step In The Right Direction? Or is Utah just kicking the can down the road? (2 photos) Continue reading