Cowbird Drinking Bison Snot Birds do what they have to do in order to survive in harsh conditions. (8 photos) Continue reading
I Now Know A Lot About The Banded Male Kestrel And about the meaning of the different colored bands used by HawkWatch International when they’re banding kestrels. (6 photos) Continue reading
Coyotes, Magpies, Jackrabbits And Mule Deer Struggle To Survive In Deep Snow My morning on Antelope Island on December 29, 2014 was like no other, before or since. (2 photos) Continue reading
An Unfortunate Turn Of Events For Feathered Photography A day I hoped wouldn’t come. Continue reading
Long-billed Curlew Along The Antelope Island Causeway I probably won’t be visiting Antelope Island again anytime soon. (3 photos) Continue reading
Why I’m Now Photographing Pelicans Every Chance I Get In years past I didn’t always take advantage of photo ops with American White Pelicans. (5 photos and a link to another one) Continue reading
American Coots – Still A Family And Still Hanging Out On The Same Old Grebe Nest Birds are endlessly interesting. (7 photos) Continue reading
Solitary Sandpipers – An Unusual Species For Me And a chance encounter with an old friend. (6 photos) Continue reading
Finally, A Juvenile Male Black-chinned Hummingbird Including some of the stinging insects hummingbirds encounter while they’re nectaring on flowers. (6 photos) Continue reading
Bandito And My Attempt To Outfox Him I’ve told you about Bandito before but it’s time you met him, one of the most proficient bird seed thieves in the county. (6 photos) Continue reading
Nesting American Avocets And Black-necked Stilts Yesterday I spent the morning at Bear River MBR. Nesting season continues and so do the inevitable conflicts between ground-nesting birds. (4 photos) Continue reading
Yesterday’s Hailstorm – Violent, Destructive And Capricious With a depressing aftermath. (5 photos) Continue reading
Beauty, Birds, Buddies And Bugs Yesterday On Antelope Island Including a video clip. (9 photos) Continue reading