Mallard Pair In Flight When things go right, a lot of things, photos of ducks in flight can have a certain elegance that is unique to them. Continue reading
Coot Fight – The Brawl Continues And Then Concludes With A Winner A metaphor of sorts for today’s historic events in Washington DC. Continue reading
Some Of My Favorite Photos From The Distant Past – Volume 4 Each of the following five photos was posted to Feathered Photography back in February and March, 2011. Continue reading
Male Common Merganser In Flight I find photos of ducks in flight difficult to come by and because of their speed mergansers are among the most challenging of all. Continue reading
Adult Bald Eagle On The Prowl For Ducks When you’re photographing ducks on the water it’s nice to be able to just raise your lens a few degrees and take photos of a marauding Bald Eagle. Continue reading
Male Redheads And A Female Canvasback A bit of a mixed bag today – two species I don’t get to photograph very often, although I do have more opportunities with Redheads than Canvasbacks. Continue reading
Coot Fight Yesterday Afternoon One of these combatants could give any human prize fighter a lesson on how to land back-to-back haymakers. Continue reading
Adult Bald Eagle In Flight In flight shots with homogenous sky backgrounds I need a little something extra to provide more interest. Typically it doesn’t take much. Continue reading
A Spotlit Prairie Falcon At Sunrise A lighting effect I almost never get on a raptor. Or any other bird for that matter. Continue reading
One Of The First Great Horned Owls I Photographed With ‘Ken’s Lens’ Yesterday’s post has me wandering down memory lane again. Continue reading
A Print Request Like No Other I’ve Received This one put print requests in a different light for me. Continue reading
A Pause And A Change Of Plans For me few subjects take precedence over birds but I’m overwhelmed by yesterday’s senseless and tragic events and can’t take my mind off of them. Continue reading