Category: Barn Owls
A Barn Owl And A Red-tailed Hawk In Blue Creek Valley
Barn Owl Flight Series – From Small In The Frame To Frame-filling
A Cooperative Barn Owl In Flight
Three Consecutive Shots Of A Barn Owl In Flight
Bear River Barn Owl, Perched And In Flight
Barn Owl At Farmington Yesterday (including video)
Barbed Wire Barn Owl Released Back Into The Wild (with photos)
Status Report (with current photo) Of The Barn Owl That Was Entangled In Barbed Wire
Farmington Bald Eagle Update
Barn Owl Hunting In The Clearing Fog
Barn Owl Looking Even Goofier Than Usual

In my experience Barn Owls can look pretty goofy, even on a good day. With their conspicuous facial disc, small (for an owl) deeply set eyes and their long, ivory colored bill pointing almost straight down, they look, well… different. But I certainly don’t say that disparagingly. They’re magnificent birds and I love’m to bits.