Category: Diurnal Raptors
When Hawks Pursue Songbirds It Can Be Deadly For Them Both
American Kestrel Struggling To Feed On A Large Vole
Red-tailed Hawk In A Menacing Flight Posture
A Touchy Matter Of Gender
With Feathered Photography I face a dilemma when choosing pronouns referencing the sex of individual birds. In a recent comment a reader took exception to the way I handle it so I think it’s high time I explain why I deal with it the way I do. I’ve done it before in comments but never as the subject of a blog post.
A Gorgeous Dark Red Red-tailed Hawk Takeoff Series
Brewer’s Blackbird Trying To Keep Her Feet Dry (+ a bonus raptor)
American Kestrel Balancing Act
Juvenile And Adult Sage Thrashers
Rough-legged Hawk In An Unusual Preening Pose
Red-tailed Hawks, Antique Glass And Family History
The ‘Bumps In The Road’ Continue…
Eight Of My Favorite Rough-legged Hawk Photos
“Ornithology: Foundation, Analysis And Application” – A Mini Review
Male American Kestrel In A Setting I Adore
When Hawks Pursue Songbirds It Can Be Deadly For Them Both
American Kestrel Struggling To Feed On A Large Vole
Red-tailed Hawk In A Menacing Flight Posture
A Touchy Matter Of Gender
With Feathered Photography I face a dilemma when choosing pronouns referencing the sex of individual birds. In a recent comment a reader took exception to the way I handle it so I think it’s high time I explain why I deal with it the way I do. I’ve done it before in comments but never as the subject of a blog post.