Chronicling A Recent Morning On Antelope Island

Four days ago I had a particularly interesting morning on Antelope Island and thought readers might enjoy a chronological reporting of my experience. Some of these images are better than others but as a group these photos of varying quality document my 2 1/2 hour morning on that wonderful island.

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Birds In A Christmas Morning Snowstorm

It’s been my Christmas tradition for years to spend part of the morning photographing birds. I usually have the place (wherever it might be) mostly to myself and personally I find communing with nature on Christmas morning to be quite appropriate and fulfilling. And yesterday’s snowstorm was pure delight.

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Hunting Northern Harrier Turning Away From Me In Flight

I like to get the interesting ventral plumage patterns of Northern Harriers in my images whenever I can. They tend to fly low when hunting so I don’t often get a good look at the underside of both tail and wings in the same shot. But this bird cooperated for an instant and I happened to fire my shutter at just the right moment.

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