A Male Northern Harrier In Flight As The Canon R5 Shines Again As an old guy I like old things and the aging R5 still impresses me. (4 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harriers In Flight And A Cruel Lesson In White Balance Lesson learned. (6 photos) Continue reading
Great Blue Heron In Falling Snow Eventually the falling snow was so thick it was a near-whiteout. (7 photos) Continue reading
The Most Expensive Eagle I’ve Ever Photographed Maybe the most expensive bird of any species I’ve ever photographed. (4 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk – Going For The ‘Long Shot’ You miss every shot you don’t try for and this time I got lucky. (4 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Trying To Fake Me Out Despite the hawk’s efforts, this time I prevailed. (6 photos) Continue reading
The Pied-billed Grebe And The Flying Fish Resurrecting bird photography equipment I haven’t used in years. (6 photos) Continue reading
Playing Peekaboo With A Red-tailed Hawk In The Rocks I almost gave up on this bird. I’m glad I didn’t. (4 photos) Continue reading
A Hunting Burrowing Owl And An Unhappy Meadowlark A Western Meadowlark that made its displeasure known about the presence of a hunting owl in its territory. (10 photos) Continue reading
One Of My Photos, An Honest Mistake And Redemption Artist and gallery director Tony Krohl has restored some of my faith in humanity. (5 photos and a link to a short video) Continue reading
What I Thought Was Some Unusual Magpie Behavior Turned Out To Be Something Else Something more sinister. Probably. (6 photos) Continue reading
A Snowy Egret In Flight And An Update On My Issues With Photo Gear At this point I’m a little discouraged. Continue reading
A Surprise Cooper’s Hawk And A Memory Card Calamity I’m pretty sure I’m screwed but if you have a magic fix I’d sure like to hear about it. (5 photos) Continue reading