Some Very Odd-looking Pheasants

Ring-necked Pheasants are relatively common in my area and I normally see very little variation in plumage color in them – males look like males, females look like females and that’s about it. But twice I’ve photographed some very strange-looking birds.

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Eye Defects In Raptors

Over the years I’ve seen a number of birds with eye problems. Some of them appeared to be infections and others injuries but I’m beginning to notice a pattern of symptoms that looks similar from bird to bird – particularly in raptors. I’ve included two examples here.

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Short-eared Owls And The “Handedness Phenomenon”

Handedness is a preference for using one hand (or limb) as opposed to the other. It’s a phenomenon many of us associate strictly with humans but other vertebrates can also show handedness, including birds. For example, many parrot species have a strong and consistent preference for using their left foot when bringing food to the beak.

Based on my own observations in the field I believe that Short-eared Owls may also display handedness.

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Swainson’s Hawk Optical Illusion

Each time I look at this image, at first the wing above the head appears to be the birds right wing on the far side of the body. But then a few seconds later my brain tells me that’s impossible because the lower wing is obviously the right wing and it’s impossible (or at least highly unlikely) for the hawk to have two right wings.

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Enveloped By Shrikes!

These young birds loved clamoring around on the hood of my pickup. They would look at their reflections, pick at smashed bugs and just generally act like inquisitive kids. It wasn’t unusual to hear a bird clicking about on my roof at the same time one of its siblings was on my hood.

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Western Grebe Mated With Clark’s Grebe

In the years I’ve watched and photographed the behaviors of both species I’ve never before seen a Western Grebe mated to a Clark’s Grebe. Mixed species pairs are uncommon to rare so to have seen this natural but unusual behavior was pretty special for me.

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How Can This Hawk Even Fly?

This might just be the rattiest looking raptor I’ve ever encountered in the wild.

I found this juvenile Red-tailed Hawk three days ago in Box Elder County, Utah. It was too far away for good photos but even so I scoped it out with my lens for ID and to look for anything unusual.

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Mucus-drinking Cowbird

Before Europeans came to North America and cleared forests which modified the environment into the agricultural and suburban landscapes of today, the range of the Brown-headed Cowbird was limited to the short-grass plains where they followed the almost endless herds of American Bison as they fed on the insects stirred up by those wandering behemoths.  Early settlers so strongly associated them with bison that they were called “Buffalo Birds”. Today that relationship still exists wherever limited numbers of bison can still be found.  Antelope Island is one of those places. One of the many challenges facing the cowbird was obtaining enough moisture as it followed the bison herds over the hot, rolling plains.  In late summer several years ago I photographed a cowbird behavior that illustrated one of the ways they solved that problem.   I found this huge bull languishing in the broiling sun next to a boulder that it had been using as a scratching post.  A group of Brown-headed Cowbirds were in the vicinity but at first I wasn’t paying much attention to them.   Then this female (at frame bottom) flew in close…     and began flying at the nostrils of the bull.  Initially I was unsure about what she was doing but she did it repeatedly and eventually it became clear that she was…     drinking the mucus-laden secretions from the bison’s nostrils.  She would actually hover in place as she gobbled down the long, stringy strands of mucus. Not a pretty sight and perhaps a bit unsettling to our human sensibilities but what an incredibly adaptive behavior…

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