Great Blue Heron In Falling Snow Eventually the falling snow was so thick it was a near-whiteout. (7 photos) Continue reading
Great Blue Heron Swallowing A Huge Goldfish In Falling Micro-snow The fish was a chunk, especially for a goldfish. (10 photos) Continue reading
Some Recent Birds Bird potpourri. Ten photos of seven species, all taken within the last two weeks. Continue reading
A Magpie Acting Strangely And Me Missing The Obvious Pretty soon I shouldn’t be missing stuff like that. (7 photos) Continue reading
The Return Of The Neighborhood Cooper’s Hawk That time of day my feeders are usually being mobbed by songbirds and the Coop was obviously looking for an easy meal. (4 photos) Continue reading
Intense Flower Color Reflecting On A Hummingbird’s Ventral Surfaces Whether or not it appeals to you aesthetically, it’s an interesting phenomenon. Continue reading
Rock Wrens On, Of All Things, Rocks Including several recent fledglings that are messy with spider silk, plant debris and brine flies. (9 photos) Continue reading
Gulls ‘Bucket-mouthing’ Brine Flies An amusing and highly effective feeding technique. (7 photos) Continue reading
Turkey Vulture Trying Hard To Cast A Pellet Casting a pellet can be hard work, especially for large birds like vultures. (7 photos) Continue reading
Black-crowned Night Heron – A Mystery Diet I like to know what the birds I’m photographing are eating. Sometimes I can ID it and sometimes I can’t. (7 photos) Continue reading
Yellow-headed Blackbirds Feasting On Midges As usual this time of year, three days ago at Bear River MBR many of the Yellow-headed Blackbirds were feasting on midges. Typically, they’d snag them right out of the air. (7 photos) Continue reading
Baby Coots At Bear River MBR I’ve known for years how unattractive baby coots are. Yesterday it was reaffirmed. (2 photos) Continue reading