American Kestrel Mating Series I was at the right place at the right time for an appropriate Valentine’s Day post. (16 photos) Continue reading
American Kestrels – A Unique Dismount One of the most unusual photos I’ve ever taken. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawks Are Constructing Nests Already In northern Utah. In January. (7 photos) Continue reading
Great Blue Heron In Falling Snow Eventually the falling snow was so thick it was a near-whiteout. (7 photos) Continue reading
Great Blue Heron Swallowing A Huge Goldfish In Falling Micro-snow The fish was a chunk, especially for a goldfish. (10 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Trying To Fake Me Out Despite the hawk’s efforts, this time I prevailed. (6 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harriers And Cooper’s Hawks – Close Encounters Part II Four days ago I was witness to a mostly aerial dogfight between 4-5 Northern Harriers and Cooper’s Hawks on top of Goose Egg Island at Farmington Bay WMA. (9 photos) Continue reading
A Very Close Encounter Between A Northern Harrier And A Cooper’s Hawk Two days ago, as I was cresting the hill on top of Goose Egg Island at Farmington Bay WMA, the excitement was already in progress. (2 photos) Continue reading
Some Recent Birds Bird potpourri. Ten photos of seven species, all taken within the last two weeks. Continue reading
A Magpie Acting Strangely And Me Missing The Obvious Pretty soon I shouldn’t be missing stuff like that. (7 photos) Continue reading
Yesterday’s Completely Unexpected Bald Eagles I was very surprised to find at least four Bald Eagles yesterday in the west desert. (7 photos) Continue reading