About Me

 me-7124 On a raptor quest in the foothills of Utah’s Stansbury Mountains

When I retired from teaching high school Honors Biology and Zoology in 2003 I needed an outlet for my lifelong interest in the natural sciences. I’ve always had a special interest in birds but have never been enthralled with all that goes with being a “birder”. I had dabbled in semi-serious photography over the years so I eventually decided to give bird photography a try and just see where it took me. What a life changer! Now I live, eat and breathe birds – not from a birder’s perspective but from that of a photographer.

I have strong feelings about the “ethics” of bird photography. For me avian photography is nature photography and it’s not “nature” (or natural) when subjects are not their natural colors so I don’t oversaturate my images. I don’t do significant cloning or other types of major image alteration for the same reason. I don’t closely approach nesting birds and I make every effort to avoid unduly disturbing my subjects whether they’re nesting or not. I don’t use electronic devices to call in birds.  I love to photograph raptors but will never “bait” them in. I don’t shoot “setups” except at my back yard feeders for the practice. I know, that’s a lot of “don’ts”….

My gear is Canon including two Canon 7D Mark II’s, a Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM lens and a Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens plus miscellaneous support gear (tripod, 1.4 teleconverter etc.). Most of my photography is done from a “mobile blind” – my pickup, a very effective strategy for my situation.

I live in northern Utah and have convenient access to the many wetlands associated with the Great Salt Lake. Bird photography is usually the primary goal of my frequent camping trips throughout Utah and other western states. Because I have Montana roots and return there often, many of my avian images are taken in the western part of that state, Glacier, Beaverhead and Madison counties in particular.

Thank you for visiting my blog.


February, 2020


  1. Hello Ron,
    I found an image on the CBT website that appears to be one of your photos of a Kingfisher. Is that possible?

  2. Unbelievable pic . It looks so close to my back yard where we have both Heron and Egret hanging out together for the last few weeks. Even had a few storks stop by for couple days then went visiting somewhere else.
    I’m in Florida

  3. Thanks for being such an amazing mentor and friend, Ron. Your teaching has gone beyond your retirement. I myself know handfuls of people who are grateful for the impact you’ve made on my life. Ultimately, that impacts their lives. Thanks for changing my life with a camera, a hobby, and a lifestyle.

  4. Ron, I have been an avid reader of your blog for years and have learned an enormous amount about the behavior of and the ins-and-outs of photographing birds. I consider you a reliable source of information so I wanted to ask you a couple of questions.

    I just learned about Ramsar Sites, ramsar.org. In looking at the map of designated sites, rsis.ramsar.org, I was surprised that Utah does not have a listed site. Do you know anything about Ramsar? Do you think there is any value in trying to encourage state wildlife officials to request that the Great Salt Lake and surrounding marshlands be added to the list of Ramsar sites?

    Very Best,


  5. Was searching for a page to help me age a bald eagle and found your site. Thanks for the info! It was very helpful. I’m guessing the bird I was trying to age is probably 4-years old.

  6. I love that Eagle picturethe one (Natalie found🙄😊) that is beautiful and I’ve seen some of your other pictures, quite a while ago, but i’m sure they were yours they’re great. It’s hard to keep your stuff safe I can Relate.

  7. Ron, your work is beautiful. I was just in Kalispell, MT and saw many juvenile bald eagles. I tried to explain, in my limited knowledge, the difference between them and goldens to my family. I wish I had your article handy! It was so informative. Thank you for your dedication. I will return to your page often.

  8. Beautiful photography, Ron. You have great talent and infinite patience.

  9. Louis & Myra Ungerman

    We owned a cabin in Joe’s Valley (about 30 miles west, northwest from Castle Dale, Utah) for about 20 years. We got many wonderful pics of Stellar Jays and also the gray jays. They are so noisy when in a congregation! Competition, I guess. Just wanted to let you know that I found your blog when looking up the Northern Flicker. We currently have one here at our home in Price, Utah. They are FAST!! You get the cap off your camera and they have already flown. Enjoyed all your pics and posts. Keep up the good work.

  10. First, I’m oh-so-happy to have discovered your beautiful photography site! But as I’m clicking and reading through, I feel horrified and so naive that people actually BAIT birds to get photographs?! WHAT?! I couldn’t figure out why your photos were tagged with non-baited, and I can’t believe people screw with nature just to get a shot. That will never happen with me. That’s the fun of it… capture birds just doing their thing, not manipulating them.

  11. A great blog Ron! Thanks for sharing your wonderful images and experiences! Looks like you are living in a wonderful part of the world…. to be visited one day.

  12. Fantastic blog. Thank you. Do you have a facebook page by any chance.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  13. What a great blog! Stumbled upon your site while researching species that have “plumicorns,” a term brought to our attention by the latest issue of a birding magazine. Fantastic images … Thanks for sharing those and for the accompanying commentaries! – Adam & Lisa, Williamsburg, VA

  14. Wendi Williams

    Awesome work on the aging of bald eagle feathers. I volunteer at The University of Minnesota The Raptor Center, and these were very helpful. I also hugely appreciate your ethical approach. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Love your blog! Beautiful pictures. I am using it for bird conferences!

  16. Ron, I have a picture of what appears to be a golden eagle but I orginally thought it was a golden eagle. Could I send to you for clarity!

  17. Thank you for your blog. I am a amateur bird photographer and I really like your blogs.

    Thanks you sharing valuable information

  18. Elizabeth Thomas

    i really do enjoy your blog 🙂

  19. Beautiful photos!

  20. Thank you for sharing your time and talents. You have a gift!

  21. One word, Perfect!

  22. Ron, your photos are so wonderful… just wanted to drop you a note to say that … also, I really appreciate all the information you have provided here. I just saw an eagle with multiple colors in my back yard. I was searching for photos of young eagles, which I thought it may be–which led me to your site for confirmation of such.

    I love photography also, particularly those little birdies. Was so nice to see that I am not the only one out there looking and I must say, worrying about there well being with such a loss of habitat. Your sand-hill crane photos are also so great..I am in the state of Florida, so Florida birds are those I am most familiar with.

    Probably my favorite birds are the black skimmer/Florida mottled ducks … as well as sand hill cranes; all of which are endangered birds in Florida.

    You are a very talented photographer, thanks for sharing your photos with me.


  23. Ron, I use the canon 40D with the 100-400 lens, all purchased in 2008. Have you used the 1.4x TC with this setup? Is the TC a Canon or other brand? If so would the camera autofocus? At a reduced speed or about the same speed? Is there much degradation of photos with a TC? I suspect with the age of my kit, that there might be some speed and capability issues.

    thanks jake

    • Jake, That lens will not autofocus with the 1.4 and a cropped sensor camera like the 40D. The new version of that lens will autofocus with that combination but only to f/8. The tc’s I’ve used are Canon – both version 2 and version 3.

      There’s always some degradation of image quality when using a tc but it goes from virtually unnoticeable with high quality lenses (like the Canon L lenses) to pretty significant with cheaper glass.

  24. Hi Ron I just wanted to say I have just discovered your wonderful photographs and one in particular on the barn owl in flight was so incredibly beautiful that..and I really hope you don’t mind but I m just about to build a sea kayak and I would like to attempt to paint that owl of yours using the gel coat as paint medium..i have no idea if it will work or how it will turn out but your photo is so inspiring I just cant resist trying….thankyou so much for your wonderful photography
    My regards sir

    • Hi Jimmy, Thank you very much for your kind words but I’m afraid that I’m VERY protective of my copyright. If you’d like to use the image as you describe please contact me and we’ll see if we can make some reasonable arrangement. For me it’s a matter of principle. I’ll email you so you have my contact info.

      PS – My email to you was rejected because it said that the email address “doesn’t exist”…

  25. Dear Ron,

    I am considering a new camera body, the Canon 7D Mark II, which you use, to go along with my older 100-400 lens plus 1.4 TC (which you use occasionally) but I hesitate unless the Autofocus functions. I assume it does with the 7D, since you never speak of manuel focus, but I am not sure. Would you please advise? I have a feeling the AF not working in the 60D series, or the newer Ti series is a given. Thanks for you blog, your knowledge, and your consideration.


    Kirk Gooding
    Ashland, Oregon

  26. Hello Ron,

    My friend Charlie Van Tassel mentioned you when I told him of my plans to take a long photo safari through the inter mountain states in a month or so. In reviewing your ‘blog/about’ page I can see we share a passion for bird photography. Charlie mentioned that he thought you grew up in Poway, as did I, though I looked at my yearbooks and found a “Cam” Dudley who would have graduated 2 years behind me (I graduated in 1967).

    My travel plans are a bit loose, but I have an Arizona stop, , a Yellowstone stop, a Bitterroot Valley (Montana) stop, and a Payette ID stop as probable goals. I may try for a run home along the Pacific Coast. It’s likely going to be a 4-6 week affair. Catching up to you and/or the local feathered fare might be lovely unless it would be a bother.

    Anyway, keep up the good work and be well,

    Jack Daynes

    • Hi Jack,

      Nice to hear from you and to know that Charlie is still kicking. Haven’t heard from him in a while. Yes, I lived in both Poway and Escondido during the school year when I was a kid for many years. Cam Dudley is my cousin though I haven’t heard from him in over 50 years. I graduated from HS in 1965 but by then I was living in Montana again.

      That sounds like a wonderful trip. If you make it to the Salt Lake City area check in with me (using the “contact me” box at the top of my blog is best, then we can exchange email addresses) – I’d be happy to give you some tips about what birds may be active and available while you’re here. It would be fun to meet you, especially since you’re a friend of Charlie’s.

  27. Just found your blog. Awesome shots that inspired me and I appreciate all the information you give. Thanks!

  28. I got directed to your blog after searching birds of the GSL. I had visited my son in Utah in April and had spotted (and photographed) a Western Meadowlark, Yellow-headed blackbirds and a couple of Chukars. In the past few months I have become an avid birder and love to photograph them. Just purchased my first pair of Swarovski binoculars and have started to look at cameras and lenses. Right now I am using a Canon Rebel and was thinking of ordering the 100-400mm f/4 lens for it. I am headed to the Galapagos in August and can’t wait to check out the birds there. I also won’t bait or otherwise attract the birds and I don’t like super enhanced photographs. Anyhow, love your photos and writings. If you can give any advice, please do so. Thanks for all the info you give.

  29. Hi Ron,

    Missed your posts for a few days – hope you are OK.


  30. Ron, the Canon 500mm USM you use, is it the new Mll or V1. Thanks

    • April, I just bought the new version 2 about a month ago. Until then I’d been using Version 1.

      • How do you like it? I’m thinking of getting one. I’m glad yo see you using the 7D. I bought a refurbished one and I really like it. So many bird photographers swear you need the EOS 1D1V or 1 DX . I’m thinking I’d rather splurge on the glass than the camera. Have you had any problems with the auto-focus? I have a Cooper’s pair in my neighborhood. The female stayed in my Norway spruce for an entire week! I took lots of shots.

    • April, It’s the M11 and I like it a lot. I was using version 1 before.

      I also like the 7D very much. Enough that I have two of them. With the cropped sensor and fast burst rate it’s an excellent body for bird photography.

      Your philosophy regarding money spent on cameras and lenses is spot on. Buy the very best glass you can (almost) afford – much more important that the camera. For most folks the lens is a lifetime investment but cameras become outdated relatively quickly. And you get more bang for the buck in image quality with high end lenses than you do with high end cameras.


      • Hoping Canon will come out with a 7D MK11. I know the two Ps (patience and practice) are most important for learning bird photography. However, are there any other sources you found invaluable to you initial learning experience?

        • A third “P” – perseverance. Don’t give up at the bumps in the road. And join an online nature photography critique forum. You’ll eventually learn a lot there if you aren’t thin skinned, contribute to the community and listen to advice.

  31. HI Ron,

    I enjoyed reading the information you shared about yourself and am happy you discussed your ethics. I live in Wisconsin and we had some ugly incidents last winter associated with the exciting and unusual event of having a couple of Great Great Owls spend time in our state. Some photographers baited one of the owls – even placing the mouse on his pant leg. Friends of mine saw him do this. Also, people placed sticks under the snow to make noise to attract the owl. They wanted those special close flight photos. Another sighting in Madison Wisconsin led to huge crowds and people approaching to the point where they almost shimmied the trees.

    Reading about your respect for nature gives me a good feeling. I look forward to reading your blog and enjoying your photos. Thank you,


  32. Hi Ron,

    I love the photography on your site. I’m a teacher too (hs math) who has recently become obsessed with the worlds of birds, and I also have Montana roots (Sidney) but now live in Minnesota. I was wondering if you’d be interested in sharing some of your bird photography on the Utah page of a new site I created called birdingacrossamerica.com.


  33. Mr. Dudley, er Ron,

    It looks like other former students have found your website and photos. They are amazing (the photos not the students;-). My current job working for an environmental consulting firm led me to your site and one of your latest articles on Sage-Grouse.

    I know it’s a little off topic, but I wanted to thank you for being my biology teacher in high school. I have to say you were one of my favorite teachers and I really blew it by only having you for a year and a half even though you had encouraged me to take more.

    Keep up the good work.

    • Hey Russ, It’s been a long time!

      Don’t worry about your comment being “off topic” – I loved reading it and hearing from you again. I’m also happy to hear that you work in the environmental field.

      Stop by again. And now it’s Ron, not Mr. Dudley…:)

  34. Your photography is amazing! Congratulations on your post-retirement obsession. I am a semi-retired teacher who aspires to your level of commitment.

  35. Hey Ron. I stumbled across your blog this (rainy) morning in central WY while searching for a clue as to the barn red hawk seen yesterday perched in a cottonwood stand in Wyoming’s wide open country northeast of Shoshoni. I am looking forward to reading through your previous posts and enjoying the great, great pics! An avid rookie wildlife photographer, my gutsy Canon is always in the saddle bag, backpack or on the truck seat as I pursue my humbly-paid but much-loved career of wildlife surveyor for energy companies. Each January morning scaling up the windy side of a high rocky ridge balancing a full backpack or on those 95 degree August days at high noon when the horse trailer tire rips a sidewall, I am reminded if this country were any other way it would be full of people. All high wind and cold rain/hot sun aside, Wyoming’s high desert is at its best these early summer days when over the next ridge there may be an un-named seep laced with every small animal track or perhaps a Prairie falcon tucked into her rock crevice nest watching me long before I see her. Here’s to many more early mornings in our high desert country that most people find too remote, too barren, too wind-swept. Good they are staying out of it. Leaves more elbow room for the rest of us. ~V~

  36. I just went on my first ever birding tour at Hueco Tanks State Park and Historic Site last Saturday, and found it both overwhelming and pointless. I do keep a life list of what I’ve seen, but typical birding does nothing for me. I have felt you were a kindred spirit since I found your blog a couple of months ago. Just watching birds, getting to know their behaviors and appreciating their beauty is what I like, and I therefore consider myself a birdwatcher, rather than a birder. Those of us who watch birds (with or without photography) are taking time to ‘smell the roses’, thereby enriching our lives. Just this afternoon I had the opportunity to see a Black-throated Sparrow close-up. He was gone in a few seconds, but was there long enough that I could see how beautiful all his marking were, and how shiny his feathers were. That was worth way more than 50 or 100 species in a day. I look forward to reading your blogs for a long time.

  37. Ron…A bit of a kindred spirit here. Also retired, since ’04. A pretty serious photographer of nature and wildlife, in my part of the country. I photograph birds, but am not a birder. I photograph flowers, but am neither a gardener nor a flower person. I do insects…bugs, butterflies, bees…but I’m not an entomologist. Just a photographer who likes to get out and photograph what I see in the natural living world.

    I DO do quite a lot of processing on my photos, but with the goal in mind to make them better while not doing things to them which scream PhotoShop. And my idiosyncrasy is that I won’t photograph captive creatures, creatures in rehabilitation, baited birds, or anything like that. I want them to be free to leave me if they choose to. THAT’S the challenge of wildlife photography.

    Love your shots.

    Terry in Eastern Iowa

  38. Hi Ron,
    Much appreciate your candor and philosophy. I too am retired from teaching for 36 years (AP Biology, Intro Biology, Oceanography and Environmental Science), but I have been into photography since I was given a brownie camera a looooong time ago!! Have a Canon 5d mkIII and love the camera. So much to learn about and unfortunately am impatient, need to deal with learning this technology.
    Your images are fantastic, absolutely wall hangers! I really loved your shots of the Long-tailed Weasel and Rough-legged Hawk, as well as your many others. Many thanks for sharing these shots and the tech about the shots.
    Dick Harlow

  39. Ron, surely it wasn’t an accident finding your website and if so, it was a good one. I have really enjoyed spending time viewing and reading. Wish you the best.

    Take Care,

  40. Hi Ron,

    I’m a graphic design student at Winona State University and I am creating a website for a non-profit burrowing owl foundation as part of a class project. Your burrowing owl photography is wonderful and I was wondering if I could get your permission to use some of your photos for my website. The website would be accessible through my portfolio website (see above) and as I said before would only be used for educational purposes. Please let me know – thank you!

  41. Charlie VanTassel

    Hi Ron,

    Great website. You really have been finding some great subjects over the years.

  42. Dear Ron:
    I just got to know your website from a friend of mine, and I have just viewed your photos of birds there, especially bald eagles, I have to say that you are great, and all photos you took are great!
    I am in Houston, TX, and I am crazy for bald eagles when they are fishing in water. You mentioned in your website that there are many spots good for photo bald eagles alone the wetlands of great salt lake. I am not familiar that area and I have 3 questions here: 1) is now still a good timing for photo bald eagle fishing in Utah? 2) if yes, would you be kindly enough to tell me a good spot to do that now (i have some vacation days that I can use now)? 3) if you would like to tell me the “good spot”, what is the best route to get the spot?
    I thank you in advanced for taking your time.
    Best regards,
    John Ling

    • John, Most (though not all) Utah Bald Eagles are here only during winter and when they are they’re mostly scavengers. It’s highly unusual to get them fishing in the classical sense I think you have in mind. In February, Farmington Bay WMA kills the invasive and damaging carp and the eagles often (though not always, last year was very slow) come in large numbers for the dead fish. But getting shots of eagles grabbing live fish out of the water would be quite unlikely around here.

  43. Where’s your beard?!?!
    Wonderful pics.

  44. I’m finding it difficult to refer to you as Ron, since when I was your student at South High, you were Mr. Dudley. I stumbled across your blog after making my first trip in 30 years to Antelope Island yesterday to take some pictures. Fascinating place, and although I have one good shot of a pair of chukars, my efforts pale in comparison. Thank you for your effort and for sharing your talents. I will be visiting this blog, and Antelope Island frequently. Perhaps we’ll meet out there some day and reminisce about the day you called Dr. Sorensen an “organism”.

    • Hey Budd, Great to hear from you! And yes, call me Ron – you’ll get used to it. Many other ex-students have. Yes, the island is a wonderful place and I sure look forward to the possibility of running into you out there. Look for the vanity plates at the top of this blog – for now they’re on a dark gray Ford pickup. Hmmm, I’ve forgotten the “organism” moniker I used on Dr. Sorenson, you’ll have to remind me of the context…

  45. Hi Ron:

    I stumbled upon your excellent website and great bird photography while preparing for a class I will teach on wildlife photography this spring. I definitely want to include a section on photography ethics and your points are well taken!!

    Ron, can you advise me on lenses? I have a Nikon 300 2.8 and am considering the 500 f4 but would have to sell the 300. Would I be over powered with a 500? I love all aspects of naure photography and sports as well (ski races, bike races).


    • Hi Jim, and welcome!

      I’m delighted to hear that you’ll be including a section on photography ethics in your class – couldn’t be happier about it!

      Regarding your question – I can only advise you reliably regarding birds as subjects. For birds, the 500 is absolutely the best choice, IMO. I shoot a moderate amount of wildlife shots (other than birds) and my 500 is great for most of those shots too but sometimes I’m too close so occasionally I go to my 100-400 (like I did with today’s coyote post).

      I have virtually no experience with sports photography so I hesitate to advise you on that, though my instinct would be that a zoom might work best there.

      I very seriously considered the Canon 300 2.8 coupled with a tc for my bird photography when I first started looking at big glass. But I did a HUGE amount of research and solicited advice from folks I trusted and they talked me into biting the financial bullet and going for the 500mm for birds. Best advice I’ve ever recieved. The 500mm (Cannon or Nikon, doesn’t matter) is the FAR superior overall lens for birds.

      Good luck in your choice. I fully realize how difficult the decision is to make.

  46. Dennis Christensen

    Hey Nephew,
    Once again you made this a special evening as I enjoyed your beautiful bird pictures. Each time I do, I consider making a comment. This evening I reacted rather than just thinking I should. The one you just posted is like all the others — unbelievably beautiful. Uncle Dennis

    • Hey Uncle Dennis. I keep forgetting to look at comments on this page so I missed yours and several others. Gotta change my habits. Thanks very much for the nice comment and I’m glad you enjoy my photos. It was wonderful to see you and Marie again today, even under such circumstances.

  47. You do some amazing work. I am adding this blog to my favorites!

  48. Thanks so much for the stilt photos. i am a contenporary painter using birds ,mostly ocean birds. I make stencils and then repeat them on an atmosphericaly painted background . I hope to use the stilts in some of this work .

  49. Ok Ron, I have to ask… why the photo of you with the unnatural perch in the background? HAH! I had to mention it… since you talked about it first….

  50. I am so grateful to have found you and grateful for your willingness to share. I know I will never be the photographer that you are, but I do enjoy it. I took up birding a couple of years ago because I’m dyslexic and sudoku is out for me. I like birding better anyway. I have learned a lot and had more fun doing birding and photography.

  51. Ron, I am in tune with your philosophy re the natural world. Thanks for doing what you do and, if you’re ever headed toward the Klamath Basin in winter, please contact me. As you know, it’s a GREAT place for wintering raptors. I lead hawk and eagle watching outings for Klamath Bird Observatory, so I usually know where the birds are and I’d be happy to show you around. Thanks again.

  52. Uncle Ron! Awesome photos! You must have so much fun catching these shots. So clear and so beautiful. Thank you!

  53. I love your work Ron ! I have been shooting with similar settings on my Canon 7D, 400mm 5/6. I cannot for the life of me get images of this quality. I’m wondering if the 500 f/4 would make a difference.Thanks for sharing !

    Kind regards

    Trevor Andersen (Australia)

    • Thanks very much Trevor. Your lens is a very good one but the 500 f/4 would make a big difference for you as far as “getting close” to the subject which makes a huge detail difference. If you used it with the 1.4 tc (which you can’t do with a 5.6 lens) you’d be going from your current 400mm to 700mm. I think you’d love the 500mm but the financial hit is a significant one.

  54. O’Driscoll’s the name. I look forward to your future work.

  55. Hey Mr. Dudley!

    I stumbled across the blog and love it! I had you for both biology and zoology at Highland in 02/03 and you were one of my favorite teachers. I’ve shared the blog with several of your other former students and we all think it’s great. Keep up the good work! Maybe you can hit Glacier National Park one of these times…


    • Thanks very much Joe. Always great to hear from a former student (though I wish I knew your last name so I could figure out which “Joe” you are.) I’m sure I’ll hit Glacier again this summer – haven’t missed for decades now.

  56. Hey Ron;

    I love your photos of the Northern Harrier. I’m in Exotics and Lab animals in my Veterinary Technology Program at Brown Makie College in Boise Idaho. I would like permission to use your photos for a presentation I’m doing on the Northern Harrier.

    Thanks again for the great photos!

  57. Ron I just stumbled upon your site and am so thoroughly impressed ! Your photos are beautiful and it is clear that you respect and love your subjects. Thank you for sharing your talent with us all I plan to keep you on my favorite list and continue to view your amazing work.

  58. Ron,
    I have been working on learning photography for the last couple of years, part of my learning process is to seek out people that are taking the type of photographs that one day I hope to take and learn from them. Part of my “homework” for today landed me here and I must say your photography inspires me! Your images are so beautiful and I love that you post your lens and settings, something so many do not share. Although your formal years as an educator may be in the past I look forward to studying your shots and learning what I can from your posts. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us!


  59. Sonja – thank you for making the effort to make such a nice comment, especially since using the English language isn’t easy for you. Much appreciated!


  60. Over a photographer who I’ve become aware of your great site.
    I am from Germany and I am in the English language, not as firm.
    But to bring hope to express how thrilled I am a nature photographer from the many great bird photos!
    Very, very good photos in best quality .. I can only dream of it!
    Furthermore, many great designs and always good light and in 2012 it also wishes Sonja from Haase
    Lueneburg in Luneburg Heath, Germany.

  61. Stunning photos of the hawk. Thanks for posting.

  62. Hi Fyn – You can either subscribe to the posts feed or subscribe by email. Both links are found in the upper right hand corner of my blog.

  63. Hi Ron, How do you subscribe to your blog?

  64. What a wondeful thing to say Lacie – you made my day! Good luck with your subject choice and if I can be of any help just let me know.

  65. Hello, I am 14 years old and am currently taking up photography as a GCSE course our first topic is structures, I have decided to do feather’s and birds and you work has inspired me to choice that as my choice, I hope some day that I will be able to be as good as you.

  66. Thank you Tana. Hope things are going well for you at Highland.

  67. Great photography! Thank you for sharing.

  68. Hi,
    I still work at Highland, and I am so very glad that I was made aware of your blog. I am a “birder” and wildlife enthusiast, and your photos are amazing. Thank you for posting and keep up the beautiful work!

  69. Oh Robert, I’ll bet you say that to all your male former teachers…

  70. I love you.

  71. I’ll bet you were just as good at teaching as you are at bird photography! Wonderful site…I enjoyed every bit of it! Sharon

  72. Loving your blog and images. Thanks

  73. Mr. Dudley. I literally just happened upon this page via a fellow Utah bird-loving friend. Which is, as it turns out, a happy occurrence since I have fond memories of you as my high school zoology teacher. It’s nice to know that you’re still in Utah and have found a passion in photographing birds.
    I’m proud to report that I have pursued a career with wildlife, specifically with birds. It’s taken me to some pretty wonderful places. Right now I’m lucky enough to be on Kaua’i working with Fish and Wildlife as an intern. I think I must have the coolest job – I get to track reproductive success for the refuge’s Laysan Albatrosses, Nene, and Hawaiian Stilts. Bad ass. 🙂
    Your photographs are beautiful. I particularly enjoy the ones of the flying owls – they are images that don’t appear easy to get. Keep it up! I’ll be following your blog regularly.

  74. Hi Ron
    I am a relatively new photographer and like you enjoy photographing birds. Not sure if I’m a birder as yet but definitely spend too much time thinking about when I can next get out and try to imrove my skills. Your photos are magical really I wish I can one day take pictures even half as good as yours. I also really like how you explain how you do things….easy to understand without all the technical jargon. I am presuning you are professional?

  75. Ron, I think my brother-in-law, Dale Prince, introduced us a few years ago. He sent me some of your pictures, along with your comments. I spent the next half hour looking and reading and admiring your work. Your images are perfect in claity and color, and your explanations made it much more interesting. I would have missed some of details without your comments. I would like to see more of your work. How would I do that? Thanks for sharing. I’m going to forward this to a bird-watchers in my ward. I know he’ll enjoy it too, and maybe share with your some of his word. Thanks again. Lila Orme, Chatsworth, CA

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