Yesterday morning I took a chance with my ailing pickup and risked a trip to Antelope Island. My results with birds and critters were mixed but at least I didn’t have any mechanical issues with my pickup. That could have gone either way.
Most of the following photos, presented in the order they were taken, document my trip.
I found this cooperative black-tailed jackrabbit almost immediately after arriving on the island. Just prior to taking this shot the rabbit (really a hare) had been nibbling on the emerging early spring vegetation growing on the fire scar caused by last July’s wildfire near the visitor center. The scar is recovering nicely.
This is what the same area looked like last August, after the wildfire in July.
When the jackrabbit started running I attempted to get some running shots but they turned out to be slightly soft. They still document the enormous size difference between its back legs and front legs. Kangaroo-esque.
Next I found AOM, my current favorite American Kestrel, and his mate perched on their favorite dumpster in mediocre light. This is his mate – AOM was perched out of frame on the left. She spent nearly five minutes trying to throw a pellet, as she’s doing here but without success.
At that point my good friend and blog follower April Olson appeared from out of nowhere. I hadn’t seen April for many months so we had an enjoyable visit for about ten minutes before realizing we were “gabbing away the best morning light”, so we each went on our way.
If you know April and see her soon, ask her about redheads and cleavage…
Immediately after visiting with April, I found AOM and his mate on the wrong side of the road for good light but I was able to get them both in the frame. AOM, on the right, watched politely as his mate tore apart and gobbled down a vole she’d apparently caught only moments before.
Next came a Chukar near the Frary Peak trailhead parking lot. I like the way the bird is framed by the vegetation.
Then I realized that there was another Chukar watching me photograph the first Chukar. It’s nice to see the redstem filaree blooming, finally.
The last bird I found was this Western Meadowlark that had been singing atop rabbitbrush. ‘He’ tried to fake me out by looking one way before…
taking off in the opposite direction. I managed to keep him in frame but I didn’t get a catch light in his eye in any of…
my takeoff and flight shots. In bird photography that’s just the way it sometimes goes.
At the last minute during the drive home I decided to stop at Pixels Foto and Frame and pick up the two prints I’d ordered for my new camping trailer. Thanks to suggestions from my readers, I decided to order them both and swap them out whenever I feel the need for variety.
My original intention was to hang a print in the space below the TV, but it was also suggestions from my readers that helped me decide to hang the prints in front of my TV instead. Knowing me, I’ll never use the TV. I have better things to do on camping trips.
Here I have the Burrowing Owl print in place, hung using Velcro on all four corners. Both prints are mounted on Gatorboard with a narrow black border so they’re lightweight and I can swap out the Burrowing Owl with the Short-eared Owl anytime I feel the urge.
Before getting suggestions from my readers, I hadn’t considered having both photos printed or hanging them in front of the TV. I’m sure glad I asked for advice.
PS – while I was on the island yesterday, I saw and heard three different pairs of Long-billed Curlews. They were much too far away for photos but I always celebrate the return of curlews to the island – photos or no photos. My friend Wayne Watson had better luck getting curlew photos on the same day up by Bear River MBR, so curlews are definitely back.
Im always in awe at the quality of your photos and of course the subjects and look forward to your stories.thanks so much for all your effort to share these gems!
Thanks very much, Linda.
The image looks terrific.
Glad you think so. Thanks, Gary.
It is wonderful to be able to (mostly) see your posts again. After the chukahs the photos refused to load for me.
I am sorry that your car has been so iffy, and glad that it at least allowed you this trip. And am intrigued at the subject of some of your conversation with April.
Posting this comment and then shutting down and reloading, hopefully to see all of the images.
Images loaded on the next attempt. Love that print.
Thank you, EC. As usual, my conversation with April was interesting and fun. She always has an interesting twist to throw in about the birds she’s been photographing.
Well, the truck may still be a PITA, but the trailer is working out very well! Love the photo and its placement, a great way to make use of a space (and appliance) that would otherwise go to waste. May I add that I also approve of your choice of kitchen rug?
The morning “catch” is very nice, too! Springtime on the island is truly lovely (and not too buggy yet, as I recall). Jack is a very handsome hare, that first Chukar almost looks like a toy set among the grasses, and AOM’s poor mate seems quite uncomfortable in that first shot. I wonder if he didn’t nab that little vole for her (it looks to me like a small bit of blood on his cere) because he wanted to make her feel better!
“May I add that I also approve of your choice of kitchen rug?”
Very good to know, Chris. When it comes to that kinda thing, I’m way out of my league.
The only bugs I saw that morning were a few harmless midges along the causeway. The damn no-see-ums could come out anytime now. Tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 80°.
Nice images, I really like the first jack rabbit and first chukar image. It was good to see you too, I was surprised, due to your truck issues and glad you made it home ok. I have not gone over my photos yet from yesterday morning. The rabbits and chukar were out in numbers yesterday but none very close to me. All the animals seem to like the new vegetation growing in the burn scar. I heard the curlews as soon as I got on the island. I saw so many but none close. There were a lot of curlews out on the east side in the grass between the road and the mud flats. Why are they mowing most of the island? It does make it easier to see chuckar, pheasants, coyotes and porcupines. But mowing isn’t a natural habitat process, what happened there, whats the thought process? I am so sad they are continuing to grade the sides of the roads taking out the rabbit brush and sage. The drive down to White Rock Bay is ruined, I loved all the tall brush along the road.
Thanks for the laugh this morning too, I have been rather gloomy of late. I showed your comment to Jon, of redheads and cleavage, he knew the context and laughed. He said well that’s why I married you. He is partial to red heads and cleavage.
“Why are they mowing most of the island?”
I don’t know, April. Wish I did. My instinct is to not like it but they may have their reasons, which I can only guess at.
And I agree with you about what they’ve been doing to the road edges. I have other gripes too…
Glad both you and Jon enjoyed that comment. These days all of us need some levity.
Glad to see there are so many Curlews o the island.
Me too.
Great news about the curlews! I don’t think there are enough of them nowadays. Love all the pics, especially the kestrels, and it’s great to see the owl photo in place. It looks like a window, which also sort of opens up the space. Cool. And finally, thank you for all the flora info in addition to the fauna. Much appreciated, Ron. Thank you.
I’m glad you like the way the print looks, Ellen.
I’m no botanist but I certainly appreciate flowers, including tiny ones like the filaree.
A full, rich day indeed, Ron! Thank you for taking the risk to get out to Antelope Island (the only AI I like
). I applaud your solution for camper decor — perhaps one of your Goldens could also join the rotation.
I’m sorry I missed the last two posts. After all these years, I became one of the victims of not receiving the email notification. Got one this morning and have caught up. LOVE the pond shots, especially the cormorant ones!
Good luck with the truck. The reliance on diagnostic repair codes is great when the broken part is linked to a code, but frustrating as hell when it isn’t. Hope they can get you a loaner so you can at least go about your life.
“the only AI I like”
Me too, Marty.
Sorry you weren’t getting the emails. WordPress can be a PITA.
Love the trailer art! Really looks great! Fingers & toes crossed for a successful truck repair soon.
Thanks on both counts, Kathleen.
All good Ron. Interesting that AOM did not try to jump in to get some of that vole his mate is consuming. Maybe he had already been successful earlier. And good decision on the framed photos.
Did my first ever Bald Eagle nestling banding with Game & Fish. Will send you a couple photos
“Interesting that AOM did not try to jump in to get some of that vole his mate is consuming.”
Everett, I wondered if he’d do just that, but he made no attempt at all. I’ll bet he wanted to though.
Wonderful collection of photos this morning!
We used to have some Jack Rabbits not far from here but haven’t seen any in years. I loved their coat changes in winter tho with our frequent chinooks the white wasn’t very good camo……;) Chukars are always welcome!
The print over the TV is perfect! Not crowded out by anything and with the velcro securing it and allowing a change out as you want is great. 
“We used to have some Jack Rabbits not far from here”
Judy, your comment reminded me of hunting jackrabbits on the Montana farm when I was a kid. We’d wait until after harvest was over and hunt them in the fields at night, by driving at crazy speeds in the darkness. If you want a challenge, try to hunt jackrabbits in the dark while driving 40 mph on the soft fields. Even using shotguns, it wasn’t easy.
I no longer hunt anything but those memories of hunting jackrabbits at night with my dad or cousins are good ones.
What folks would do for entertainment and food!
One of those “lucky to grow up” things………;)
What a FINE DAY you had ! Gabs with friends, a good variety of
wildlife, new spring green, and even wildflowers in bloom ! I LOVE
your move of hanging the beautiful burrowing owl over the blank
gray face of the TV– frames it perfectly, and adds real beauty and
color to an otherwise quite sterile interior. Glad you chose to print
both of the images; now you’re an “interior designer”, too !
“now you’re an “interior designer”, too !”
Ha, that’ll be the day, Kris. I have friends for that!
Thanks for the morning photos! Enjoyed them all, in particular the shots of AOM and his mate.
That Burrowing Owl print looks great in your camper! It really pops up on there on the TV.
Thanks, Michael. I wish I’d been able to get better shots of AOM and his mate but I enjoy documentary shots almost as much.
Using the velcro mount to swap out the Burrowing Owl and the Short-Eared Owl, Ron is a clever idea. I wonder if you will have more luck with owl sightings if you hang the Burrowing Owl for summer trips in the desert areas, and the Short-eared Owl for trips to the marshy habitats
Hmmm, that’s a good idea Ed. When it comes to owl sightings, I need all the help I can get.
Loved the Jack rabbit – as it reminded me of Snowflake – where we had tons of them. Fencing was a chore – as they would come in any open space and feast on the garden. Many were hit by cars on the dirt road.
Also enjoyed the meadow lark – as it reminded me of the many we had in the oak in Bountiful – until the magpie came.
It was good to see your two friends again. All of your shots are amazing – and the one over the TV makes the trailer YOUR place.
Thanks for sharing!
Judy, I’m glad you approve of the print over the TV. And my friends.
For the benefit of others who read your comment, “Snowflake” is a town in Navajo County, Arizona.
I like the tv cover. Your photo looks much better there.
Good. Thanks, Brett. It was good to talk to you a few days ago. Good luck with your new adventure.