A little help from my friends?
I’ve been absent from Feathered Photography for five days in a row (it’s been over 13 years since I’ve been absent for that long) because my pickup still isn’t repaired, so I haven’t been out shooting for so long it’s given me the heebie-jeebies. At this point I hope to get it fixed sometime this week. We’ll see how that goes.
In the meantime, I continue to work on my new camping trailer. One of my many recent projects has been to try to personalize its interior a little, including hanging a print of one of my bird photos. Finding a place to hang one has been a huge challenge because wall space is severely limited in my little 15′ trailer. Most wall space has been commandeered by cabinets, windows, control panels and electrical outlets,
This 17 1/2″ x 32″ space between the TV cabinet and countertop vertically and the electrical outlet and end of wall horizontally is the only practical space available to me. It’s a nontraditional place to hang a print but it’s all I have so I’m going with it. My interior trailer colors will be hard to complement but we do with what we have.
I think this space dictates that the print will approach a wide format “pano” composition, which severely limits the photos I have to choose from. I’ve narrowed it down to two of my owl photos but I’m having a hard time making a final decision. So, given my personal challenges in the aesthetics department, I thought I’d ask my readers for help.
If you have a preference between the two photos below as the choice for a print in this space, I’d like to hear about it.
Candidate #1.
A very young Burrowing Owl about to land on a sagebrush on Antelope Island. I’ve always adored this shot but it has a weakness for printing. The bird’s wingtips are a little too close to the frame edge for comfort, especially once the print is framed. It isn’t a deal-killer, but it is a weakness.
Candidate #2.
An adult male Short-eared Owl delivering a vole to his young family in Montana’s Centennial Valley. I love this photo of an owl that’s very special to me. My only hesitation about it is that…
I have a different but very similar large print of the same bird hanging in the living room of my home. Maybe having similar prints of the same bird in both places would be too much of a good thing.
I’ve been stewing about this choice for so long I need a fresh perspective.
Any thoughts?
#1 –
They are all beautiful, but I think you picked number 1 as number 1 because it stood out to you first. Go with your gut. My gut says #1. I LOVE IT!
I’m way late because I’ve been traveling (flying/driving) since 7am … but I’ll add my vote for #1 … that little owl is fabulous and you can use any number of suggested workarounds to eliminate the wingtip issue. (But you can’t go wrong with any of them!)
I think the burrowing owl would be nice, it has more color and would brighten up the space.
I love your BO photo and I don’t think it needs an external frame. Consider a high quality metallic image mounted to acrylic so the image stands out from the wall. I’m sure you know some excellent printers with framing options. If you are looking to check out other professional quality printers, I have used NMFA with good results (www.nmfa.io).
Don’t stew too much because you can’t go wrong regardless of the choice.
It looks like I’m in the minority since I pick #3. In my mind the function of an Owl or Bird of Prey is to survive and capture its prey. I would want to see that picture every day.
All beautiful photos, so a tough decision… but I’m thinking the last one with the owl banking on an angle would look lovely!
I like the burrowing owl (the first one) the best.
I would use #1 if you extend the sides for framing. The colors complement the trailer’s color scheme with a pop of color to add some interest. You already have #2 as a print at home so you need something different for your trailer.
The burrowing owl is my choice.
I wouldn’t want to see a vole hanging from the claws of death in my face everyday.
Hi Ron – sorry to hear the truck isn’t ready yet. I can understand how your “cabin fever” is building up.
I think #1 is a great photo and one that many photographers would be proud to hang. I love the eyes, the ruffled feathers on the wings, and the indication of a pending landing.
That said – # 2 is definitely my vote for your wall. That is a photo that most photographers would never get. I think it is representative of both your extraordinary skill with the camera/lens, and your persistence and patience for spending a lot of time in bird habitat. Put in the hours – LOTS of hours – and sometimes opportunities come to you, which it did in this case and you were ready and prepared to capture it.
I think that one would speak to you more and be incentive to get back outside the trailer and on the camera again!
Good luck with continuing to get the trailer (and truck) ready, hope you get out soon.
The choice #1 is so exciting and the eyes take you in. They’re all nice but #1 to me is stunning. No contest!
I am going with #1. A gallery wrap would take away the “too close to frame edge” issue. Both are really nice!
Both candidates are outstanding. I prefer the candidate #1 a little better !
#1 is my choice,
I like all three – but would choose #1 because of the beautiful bird, sky and the vegetation – giving it so much variety. Great work!
#1. I think the others are the same color as the trailer and would be too monotone.
Candidate #1 all the way!
picture one in frameless mount?
Wow. I left my computer for a while to work on some chores and when I returned, comments had blown up. I really appreciate all the thoughts and suggestions everyone. You’ve given me gobs to think about, including many things that I hadn’t considered. Thank you all.
Candidate 1. I love the close up the best!!!
Well I like Number 1 and would not care for the vole in my face. I think you should just wait a while on the decoration. Maybe a better subject will show up in the view finder this year. I know you are all about birds, but I would go for some pretty mountain flowers, pine trees or a bear or moose. It is your private space and I know you will come up with something great!
I really like Candidate #1.

I prefer number 1 even if the wing tips are close to the edges, but they are still there!
The burrowing owl because of its intensity.
# 1. I love it,and the colors will warm up the space.
I like the Burrowing Owl because of the colors. Also, it seems kind of appropriate that it should be in that small space in your trailer.
Without question # 1!
#1is my choice Ron. I wouldn’t want a Vole near my microwave
! Hope you get your truck back soon but happy to hear you are finding things to occupy yourself. Take care!
I like photo #1. The other photos show the end of a life. I do hope your truck is repaired soon.
Take Care,
I vote for #3 Ron
What a dilemma! Love the answers from your friends, too.
I think I’d choose #1 – something about the determination in that young owl’s face, the slight ruffling of the coverts, the upturned primaries, the foliage – all very appealing. It IS a bit tight on the sides, as you say – don’t you sometimes add little bits of background for better composition? And the ideas of a frameless presentation are kind of neat, or matting it as you are thinking.
You will show us the finished product, right?
They’re all wonderful. I like #2 for its colors and symmetry, but especially for the emotional connection I imagine it represents with Montana and your travels. If you go with #1, perhaps you can add canvas on the edges so the wings are not so close?
Ron, I’d go with the Burrowing Owl, because of … “that”. But — and I’m going to be a contrarian here — I think your portrait of a young Great Horned Owl sitting in a barn window would be awesome there. I have the number 5627 attached to it; maybe that means something in your files. I know you don’t like human-made details in your photo, but in this case, the print would feel like a window. And I like the stark division of dark colors against that background. I guess you can tell that I would like this print in MY house.
(Wish I could include it here, so others could see.) Good luck with your choice! And especially Good Luck getting your rig back.
I’m really torn, but glad to see you’ve gotten tons of responses already. I think my vote goes to #1 – the colors would warm up the space, and I personally like variety so I’d rather not have two similar prints at home and at the “home away from home”. I also just love the burrower’s gaze. However, if the colors end up looking *too* warm and clash with the space, or if your love of the short-eared means you wouldn’t mind seeing him twice, then I’d go with #2.
I vote for number one.
I love them both. But I like #2 the best because you beautifully captured
the process of landing.
Adaptive morphology is as always, awe-inspiring – how nature has mastered such a feat as landing: the concave wing shape, the symmetry in the downward pointing tail feathers creating drag. It makes me want to know more: did he/she land perfectly- I suspect so!
I like #1Candidate.
I prefer the first one. The wings are super, and I like the bird’s intense stare, the foreground vegetation, and the colors of the background. It should be possible to attach a print to a mat and frame the mat without clipping wingtips.
No contest – Team 1!!! Do you have a company that can print on metal? Have seen this technique at several art shows. Love the patina of the metal & framing is optional. For your trailer the metal will be perfect.
“Do you have a company that can print on metal?”
Yes, I do Kathleen. I’ve had my printer print on metal before. Well, he sends it out to have it done but I still go through him.
Just read all your fan comments – great minds!!
If you do decide on metal – pls ask your printer if his fabricator can include a French cleat for hanging. That will provide stability along with double sided mounting tape.
‘My’ choice would be number 1 printed on canvas, no frame. But that is me, and photo choices are so personal imho. I am sure that our suggestions will inspire your own choice, and can’t wait for your decision!
“I am sure that our suggestions will inspire your own choice”
I’m sure they will too, Janis. My little brain is already humming…
I’ve done metal too and it came out very nice!
# 1 is my choice
Thanks for your input, Theresa.
Candidate number two (or three) because the colors at the bottom are better for your trailer colors, and the owl having prey speaks of action.
Both are good points, Richard. Thanks.
I would pick #1 but would use photoshop to widen the side borders.
John, I considered doing that but with sagebrush fairly in focus at both lower corners, those leaves would obviously be repeated. I don’t like that.
I like a combo of Susan’s AND Brett’s ideas– it’s a small space, and a frame adds both visual weight and a sense of confinement– so there’s that argument for the plate-printing, plus I like the idea of you being able to change your “view” inside the trailer when you feel like it! Also like the warmth of hue of the burrowing owl image……
“I like the idea of you being able to change your “view” inside the trailer when you feel like it.”
So do I, Kris. The potential issue with that is how to hang the prints with stability in a sometimes bouncing trailer when I’m constantly rotating them. Mounting one of them semi-permanently without doing any wall damage is easy but rotating them could be problematic. I’ll have to think about it.
Would have thought you would have gone with a Northern Harrier.
I see you dilemma. All three are perfect. Like #1 for the dramatic feel the look of the bird provides. But #2 and #3 are a better color match for the interior. Hard call.
I would go with #3. The shot is closer-up. Both eyes show better than #2. The banked position has more energy. Yep, #3.
“Would have thought you would have gone with a Northern Harrier.”
I seriously considered it, Michael – for obvious reasons, given the soft spot I have for harriers and my personalized license plates. But in the end, none of my harrier shots became finalists.
The stellar appearing flying young Burrowing owl headed straight for you. Keeps you on your toes. Candidate # 1. Beautiful work. Been following you for 8 years or so!

“Been following you for 8 years or so.”
Time flies, doesn’t it, Connie. Thanks for your input.
They are both fantastic, so print them both and rotate them.
Now that’s something I never thought of. Thanks, Brett.
Both wonderful photos! #1 will be more immediately striking, #2 more moody and mysterious. To me, it comes down to warm palette versus cool palette. I would go with #1, myself, for it’s overall lightness and impact, which may benefit you more on an ongoing basis.
“To me, it comes down to warm palette versus cool palette.”
I think it does too, Stephanie. And no question, my trailer could use some warm colors.
Given the tight quarters I think #1 is a bit too “in you face”. Of course, #2 with “diner” might not appeal to some but I think it might be a better fit. My 2 cents worth! Hope you have your truck back SOON. Know I HATE feeling stuck that way…….
“I HATE feeling stuck that way.”
So do I, Judy. My pickup is drivable for fairly short distances and I was running out of groceries so I got it back for the weekend so I could do some grocery shopping. But it’s supposed to go back into the shop this week, probably today.
Candidate 2 would tend to remind you of your preferred photo in the living room (which is an extraordinary photo! Perfect in composition, subject and technical) . I think the intense focus and determination of candidate 1 is analogous to your hunting for photos and is also a wonderful photo. Fire me out would be more rewarding to have a different subject than what you have at home as well. Vote 1.
“would be more rewarding to have a different subject than what you have at home.”
I have the same concern, Catherine. But I do love that Shortie…
I love both photos but the burrowing owl really resonates with me. Instead of framing it, printing it on metal or acrylic could solve the problem of room for the wings?
Susan, I actually visited my printer yesterday with the intention of inquiring about printing on metal. I’ve done that before. But he was busy so I couldn’t talk to him.
Agree with the metal print. Great idea.
For the rich colors and because I love the burrowing owl, I choose #1. I would also like to offer the idea of floating the photo in the frame to give the wings room. Is that the right term? Not covering any of the finished print.
“I would also like to offer the idea of floating the photo in the frame to give the wings room.”
If I were to choose that photo I’ve been leaning that way, Mary. I think it could be accomplished with matting.
Love both of these images, Ron, but the Shortie wins hands down!
Thanks for your input, Diane.
#1 100% Love it.
Thank you, Connie.
Well, aesthetically and quickly, I love the SE. And it’s a done deal, the hunt was successful. But the 1st photo grows on me. Love the colors and the intensity of the little owl. I’d go with that one. It may encourage you to struggle on! Besides, don’t we like to just get out of the house?
“Besides, don’t we like to just get out of the house?”
We sure do, Sallie!
I agree that the colors in the Burrowing Owl photo are a strong point. Maybe strong enough to tip the balance.
Both photos are more than worthy to hang in your camper Ron. I would lean toward the “photo of an owl that’s very special to me.” I believe when something is special, it would never be “too much of a good thing.”
Since your camper will be your home away from home, I think that justifies having a similar photo in both places. Good luck making a decision, and good luck with your truck!
You’ve given me something fresh to think about. Thanks, Mark.
I like them both too, but my first choice is the first photo because of the intensity of the expression of the owl, especially his eyes. It’s a commanding and determined look which suggests persistence and strength, both qualities which I know you possess. So that’s my 2 cents today.
Your “2 cents’ is always worth much more than that. Thanks, Sue.
Tough choice Ron. I like candidate 2.
“Tough choice Ron.”
I agree. Which is why I’m asking for help. Thanks for your input, Ed.
#1 is delightful!
Thanks, Dan.
Both photos are aesthetically pleasing, and I’d be happy to have either hanging in one of my own spaces. That said, I’d vote for the second photo, showing the short-eared owl with the vole. The reason? It’s a lovely analogue for what you’ll be doing with your trailer: hunting and capturing images to feed our nature-hungry spirits!
You make a good point, Shoreacres. And the area around the Centennial Valley is my favorite camping area, so there’s that.
Another very late response: My tardiness has allowed me to enjoy the 85 preceding comments. FWIW I vote for #1 too. But my main contribution here is to say: what a delight to read everyone’s thoughts on such a pleasant dilemma. I wish that all our disagreements were this civilized and humorous. Of course the owls are not so polite: particularly #1 who seems to be threatening you with some nefarious deed if you do not pick him (or her?). Thank you Ron.