As I mentioned yesterday, my visit to Bear River MBR two days ago was frustrating because after such a long drive to get there, unexpected clouds, the “cloud from hell”, made it very difficult to get photos of birds I like. Action shots were often challenging because of a lack of shutter speed and in light like that bird colors just don’t ‘pop’ like they should.
But I had a few successes anyway.
1/3200, f/6.3, ISO 1250, Canon R5, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS II USM + 1.4 tc, not baited, set up or called in
When this drake Northern Shoveler took off I had little hope of getting him sharp, in part because the Canon R5 typically struggles to get and maintain sharp focus in low light. So I was surprised when this photo turned out to be not just sharp, but tack sharp. His colors aren’t as vivid as they would be in better light but I like the photo anyway.
I cropped the photo the way I did, with the bird centered in the frame, because I wanted to include most of the water splash behind him.
I was doubly disappointed by the shooting conditions that morning because I knew that I’d be completely stuck at home for two days on Thursday and Friday because…
Murray City was scheduled to be paving my street. They’d been doing the preliminary work on and off for two weeks (they were delayed several times by weather) and those are the two days they’d be paving, so my street is completely closed off and shut down for the duration.
This photo was taken from my garage yesterday morning as they were laying new asphalt on one side of the street. My street is one of the longest streets in Murray (according to one of the senior construction guys) so yesterday they only got half done. They’re supposed to be finished by tonight but we’ll see about that.
This photo was taken just a few minutes ago, at 5:11 AM this morning while this truck was spraying oil base which is preliminary to laying asphalt on my side of the street. I was surprised they dared to start that early since many of my neighbors like to sleep in. It doesn’t bother me one bit.
I’ll admit to feeling like a caged lion for these two days while I can’t even get my pickup out of my driveway. I’ll get through it but I don’t have to like it.
The payoff will be brand spanking new asphalt.
Note: It turns out that the truck wasn’t “spraying oil base” in that last photo. I don’t know what it was doing. It was dark.
LOVE the splash from that shoveler. And its colours.
How I wish our local council would do a ‘proper’ job of road repair. We have humungous pot holes all over the city. That they repair by apparently shoveling a bit of gravel and tar in and jumping on it a few times. The repairs don’t last and there is gravel to contend with. We, like a lot of other people have had tires/suspension destroyed. And have lodged compensation claims which they eventually pay. They have spent literally millions in compensation and still don’t fix the roads.
Yikes, that sounds like a real mess, EC. And one that doesn’t make any sense. Maybe some political types need to get voted out of office.
Pot-holes in Australia? Who knew.
At least the city is working on your roads. In Salt Lake our patches have 5th generation patches! I need the 4Runner to navigate the pot holes to get to the store. Mayor Mendenhall and her team keep appropriating road funds to other projects other than maintenance, like ‘Traffic Calming” and road narrowing to even road closure for a more “Walkable” city! The mayor blames our hard winters, our roads have been bad for years before our last two harsher winters. The city has a page for looking at upcoming plans for city streets along with a survey of input, I have commented but I feel their attempt at listening is BS. Now her focus is on a new sports arena and olympic upgrades at Salt Lake resident’s expense. I really like my house but am hating Salt Lake more and more, I am ready to bail.
So sorry you’re going through all that, April.
I really can’t complain about Murray City, at least not too much. They’ve always had a good reputation for their utilities and their responsiveness to citizens. And they do keep our streets in good condition. I’ve been talking to several of their senior construction guys and they’ve been friendly, professional and forthcoming about everything regarding this project when I’ve asked.
It’s just the inconvenience I don’t much like but that certainly isn’t their fault.
Fantastic shot!!
Thanks, Charlotte.
Yay, they finally got to your street. I can imagine that the waiting and wondering, “When?” was as annoying as being trapped in the house. At least it will be over soon and you’ll be FREEEEEE!
The main road by my house and traveling south hasn’t been re-paved in a couple of decades. They just patch the potholes — sometimes — so it’s like driving on a very flat obstacle course. But the city can put in all sorts of fancy bike lanes, medians, and roundabouts, especially in the wealthy parts… (Sorry, that got a little more ranty than I had expected.)
Love the shoveler shot, especially the way he kicked up the water. He’s quite the handsome dude. I also am enjoying the “documentary” shots of asphalt workers in the wild.
Marty, as you know, this project has been an unpredictable PITA for over three weeks now – if you start when they originally said it would begin. Several days of snow and rain put them off schedule and they haven’t been very good about keeping us informed of changes in the schedule. I’ll be very glad to have it out of what’s left of my hair.
Love the photo!! I have purchased an R5 and I’ve been busy practicing with it… now I just need lots of birds to fly by me !
I also hate the inconvenience of road work but enjoy the results!
Joanne, when I want to practice on birds in flight I just go someplace I know that has lots of gulls and fire away. They usually give me all the practice I want and it pays off.
I’d take the inconvenience in a minute. Our roads here in California are horrible. We’ve had people fill them in themselves, circle them with white paint and spray paint messages. Some day I’ll be pulled over for suspicious driving… just avoiding the potholes officer
It is the “knowing” you’re stuck that gets to you. My car often sits in the garage for days, no problem. But if I know there’s some obstruction, then suddenly all the non-errands become vitally important, must be done now, and anxiety soars! ROAR!
The Shoveler is lovely – the little bit of green on the dorsum of left wing, and the way the brown feathers wisp into the white of the right wing, very nice!
Carolyn, your first paragraph better describes the way I am than I did.
Hope the street repave will be good enough to make it worth having you locked in for a couple days.
That takeoff really shows how handsome Shovelers are. They are handsome in the water, but showing all of one like that makes you really appreciate their colors. Excellent shot and sharp and vivid as you mentioned.
Thanks, Everett. I can’t tell you how surprised I was that the shoveler was that sharp in those conditions.
WOW! on the Northern Shoveler – sharp and really shows how large their bill is.
Like all the colors.
Being stuck at home isn’t fun even if one really didn’t have other plans…..
Just the idea
Gardening is a good distraction – at least for me.
“Just the idea.”
Exactly, Judy. Who knows, maybe I wouldn’t have gone anywhere for those two days anyway (unlikely but possible). It’s just knowing that I’m struck at home that drives me crazy.
The Shoveler photo is dynamic , and that bird has such
spectacular coloration ! At least you have a trove of work to
peruse and tweak while you await your new street…. Imagine
how caged you’d feel if all you had was TV to occupy your time……
Kris, I’d go nuts(er) if all I had was TV – especially since I rarely watch it.
My time has been, and will be today, taken up by working in my garden.
That Northern Shoveler shot is really nice.
The shot of the Orange Vested City Workers and the low light capture of the White Johnston are nice as well.
Hope the “Lion” gets released soon.
Ha, glad you liked the last two photos Michael.
My attempts at being a “street photographer” I guess.