A Hooded Merganser, A Mallard And Catching Up On Loose Ends

It’s been a morning of snafus and hair-pulling. A neat trick for me since I have very little hair.

I had a long post of 14 images planned for today but at 4:30 this morning, within minutes after I started to work on it, Comcast went down so I lost internet access. For inexplicable reasons my hotspot wouldn’t work either so I was resigned to not posting today. By the time I got internet back almost 90 minutes later it was too late for my long and involved planned post so today I’m going to catch readers up on a few loose ends and probably bitch about Comcast (Xfinity).

In other words, I’m punting.

I’ll include a single bird photo because I think it may be enlightening to some of my readers who may not be aware of how small Hooded Mergansers are.


Two days ago this drake Mallard photobombed a male Hooded Merganser I was attempting to photograph. I think the photo provides an effective visual perspective regarding just how small Hooded Mergansers actually are. Hoodies aren’t much more than half as big as Mallards (1.4 lbs vs 2.4 lbs. by weight). Some folks who don’t have personal experience with Hoodies might be surprised by that. Hooded Mergansers are petite little ducks.


Now to some loose ends.

  • I’m now able to add my copyright logo to my photos again. Originally, I blamed that snafu on Photoshop but it was just me doing something stupid. Embarrassed.
  • For the last few days many subscribers to my blog have been unable to get the email link they get to each day’s blog post to work properly. I now know that the problem is caused by an issue with Jetpack, one of the many plugins that WordPress uses. Lots of folks have been complaining about it on Jetpack’s troubleshooting page but Jetpack hasn’t been responding to their complaints. Hopefully, Jetpack will get their act together soon. In the meantime, subscribers can click on either the title or “Comment” in their post email to get to my blog. Usually it’s when they click on “Read more of this post” that it doesn’t work but it can be unpredictable.

OK, my frustrations with Comcast have now settled back down to more manageable levels. I just hope I can get this post published before I lose internet again. It started to snow heavily as soon as I got up so maybe the storm has something to do with Comcast’s issues. But often Comcast doesn’t need any excuse at all to screw up.

I’m trying to look on the bright side. Our roads are now covered with snow – at least I don’t have to drive to work in this slippery, dangerous mess.




  1. Good one Ron. Sorry about the tech problems, but you will get no help from me. I am confident to say that at almost 86 I am the lowest tech follower of FP, but I do know Hoddies and have seen them close up enough to know how little they are.

  2. I think Comcast must be taking lessons from Frontier — in actual service as well as customer service. 😠 As far as “brain farts” go, you’re in good company, as mine’s been eating beans and raw broccoli & cauliflower for years now. Hope you won’t have to do much or any shoveling today too.

    Love the handsome photobomber, although Mr. H. looks none too pleased about sharing his shot. Count me among those who got to learn something new about Hoodies today! You can take the teacher out of the classroom… 😉

  3. I had no idea that the Hoodies were such tiny titches. Thank you.
    I won’t admit to how many frustrations I have endured recently have been as a result of my brain heading off to lunch without me.. And sometimes said brain stays gone for days…

  4. I guess the Hoodies’ “Big Hair” compensates for their tiny size! From the photo of the 4 yesterday, one would never know they were so little. (The females’ ‘dos are especially charming!) Now when I look at our local mallards, it’s going to be hard not see them as huge CGI monsters lurking in the background! Thanks for showing the difference. Hope your tech woes fix themselves and your snow stays manageable. Stay safe!

  5. It was fun to see the mergansers and the wide variety of ducks in general. I had a hard time with sharp focus . With the arctic temperature in the morning there was mist rising from the pond surface. I wonder if your Comcast issue is some of our problem too this morning at work. I work 3 miles from you. We have a hot spot going.

  6. WOW! That IS a dramatic difference in size! Great shot even if a “photobomb” by the Mallard. 🙂

    Glad some of your problems are solved for the moment. A few days ago AT&T had some problem pretty much nation wide and sister in TX couldn’t get her internet properly or TV. She did a “reset” of some sorts and was fine yesterday.

    Doing the snow and blow thing here this morning. Need the snow! +15 so not bad that way……. 😉

    VERY good day for Joe yesterday so appears he’ll win this round – WHEW!

    • Judy, at least for now it’s stopped snowing here and it’s fairly warm so I’m hoping it’ll melt so I don’t have to shovel.

      Very good news about Joe.

  7. Arwen Lynch-Poe, Professional Joy Seeker

    Psssst. Your hotspot works from a wifi connection or an Internet one. If Comcast was down and you had no nearby wifi…That’s why your hotspot didn’t want to play!

    TIL that Hoodies were so small!!! I thought they were bigger than mallards. Thanks, professor!

  8. Hi Ron. I’m one who is familiar with the size difference. That photo really says all one needs to know, and much better than providing dimensional statistics.

    “I blamed that snafu on Photoshop but it was just me doing something stupid. Embarrassed.”

    You are not alone in the doing something stupid category. Been doing my fair share of these as of late. Snafus of all sorts popping up; new printer setup, leaky washing machine, moon roof on the car will not close all the way…the list goes on.

    This too will pass (I hope).

  9. This is such a great photo, Ron. I love seeing these two ducks together and the way this photo clearly shows the contrast in size of these beautiful two males!

    • I’m glad you like the photo for the reason you do, Kathy. It isn’t a great photo technically, but I think it’s very effective for its purpose here.

  10. Thanks for the comparison photo. I had no idea merganser’s were little guys.
    The only issues I’ve ever had with Comcast is the cost just keeps going up😏 Time to cut the cord❗️

    • “Time to cut the cord.”

      I’ve been seriously considering doing exactly that, Diana. I’ve been putting it off because the process can be such a PITA.

  11. Ohhh we have had “those days!”
    & I’m so enjoying the weather here in Illinois. NOT!
    Thanks for the comparison photo… (y)
    Take care,

  12. The link worked fine for me this morning!

    I have often blamed wet weather for “issues” with Xfinity/Comcast, mainly because things like service interruption seem to happen when it’s snowing or raining.

    • Good.

      I think Comcast often chooses very early morning to work on their physical equipment on the theory that that time of day will negatively affect fewer customers. Not good news for us early birds.

  13. I loved the “photobomb” too, and I hadn’t any idea until seeing it that
    hooded mergansers are quite petite. AND– your post opened for me
    this morning WITHOUT having to resort to the “comment” route…. May the solution continue functioning, and your blood pressure settle !

    • Kris, I keep a close eye on my blood pressure. My BP monitor is actually sitting on my desk right next to me. But I think I’ll wait an hour or so to check it… 🙂

  14. Love the photo bomb. My link worked this morning! Go figure.

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