In my book, landing shots are at a premium because I like the postures they typically provide and because they’re so very hard to get (the old ‘degree of difficulty’ factor). It’s unusual for me to get a detailed, sharp and frame-filling photo of any bird during the landing process but when it’s a small, fast, flitty and unpredictable songbird it becomes a rare occurrence instead of just an unusual one.
1/6400, f/6.3, ISO 1000, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS II USM + 1.4 tc, not baited, set up or called in
So yesterday morning on Antelope Island I was very pleasantly surprised to get this pre-landing shot of a male Northern Mockingbird. The bird is sharp throughout, he’s large in the frame with oodles of detail and I have a perfect side-view of him in excellent light. But whenever I capture a hard-to-get shot like this there always seems to be at least one fly in the ointment.
Why oh why couldn’t he be landing on an attractive natural perch like a greasewood or sagebrush instead of a…
pile of bird poop on the roof of a pavillion?
This rooftop is one of the most popular bird perches on the island and it has been for years, as evidenced by the thick layer of excrement at its peak. To simply call it ‘whitewash’ instead of a poop pile would be whitewashing what it really is. I didn’t find many cooperative birds yesterday so I sure wish this one had chosen a more attractive perch.
But soon after I got home, a gang of cuteness on my front lawn helped to make up for it. While I was moving a sprinkler hose (I have a sprinkler system but the valve regulating the zone on my front side yard needs to be replaced) I found a…
mama Mallard and her newly hatched ducklings resting in the shade of one of my Catalpa trees. At first I thought there were only six ducklings but…
it soon became evident that there were seven.
Most years there’s at least one pair of Mallards hanging around my house and neighborhood during breeding season but this year there’s been more of them than usual. Yesterday afternoon there were actually five Mallards (four males and one female if I remember correctly) resting together on my front lawn strip. But usually I have no idea where they’re nesting (if they’re nesting) and this year was no exception, so it was a fun surprise to find this family group on my lawn.
I just hope that mama Mallard somehow managed to get her kiddos down to the nearby river or pond during the night last night. If not the neighborhood cats might be problematic.
You always remember the shot you didn’t get! Last year there was a Mother and Ducklings (6) crossing the intersection at 1300 East and 4500 South (since you are local) stopping traffic in all directions (happily!). It is always a humorous and rewarding site to see but a cell phone just doesn’t do it justice … especially while driving.
I’m glad they stopped, Stephen. That’s one of the few things I think folks are getting better about.
A 10/10 for your landing NOMO shot, adorable ducklings AND your birthday! And may there be many happy returns through the coming years — for you and your camera subjects, all!

Thanks very much, Chris.
Awesome! All lovely! The birds must enjoy that look-out at the peak. Now if they could just be self-taught where not to do their business for photographers…. Thanks for sharing!
“Now if they could just be self-taught where not to do their business for photographers”
Now that would be a neat trick!
Very nice landing shots! Haley gets wild mallards nesting in her yard in the past but now she has a big dog probably not. Her neighborhood loves the mallards, many of her neighbors have kiddie pools in their yards for the ducks. I don’t know how the ducks get across 700 E to Old Farm ponds without getting run over.
April, I’ve wondered about a kiddie pool in the past but my instinct is to not encourage them to nest around here. Too far away from water that would provide food for them.
Happy Birthday! Beautiful Mockingbird! Of course that pavilion peak is going to be the most popular spot – up high, in the open, he’ll be able to really show off! And with all the whitewash, it almost qualifies as a “natural” perch now
The ducklings, all that softness, all that potential, so lovely. Mama looks quite pleased. Have a great day!
Thanks, Carolyn. “Showing off” is exactly what he was doing up there.
You had me so perked up with ‘In my book!’ The mallards are SO cute!
They are, aren’t they Kathleen.
Wings, tail and toes all fanned out. A lot to like in the landing shot.
The pooped top rooftop (say that fast three times) certainly is a reality check.
Ducks and ducklings on your lawn. Pretty cool.
Better an old fart than no fart. Wait, that didn’t come out quite right. Anyway, have a gas on your birthday. I’ll stop now.
“I’ll stop now.”
Wow Lyle, you were on a roll with that. Gotta admit to some curiosity about how far you could have taken it!
Very crisp shot of the Mocking Bird landing. Pity about the crappy LZ.
The ducklings, so sweet.
Thanks, Michael.
First and foremost, that first photo of the Mockingbird in flight might just be my all time favorite. The little ducklings are adorable of course. Probably safer on your property than out on the lakes where so many hazards await. We are anxiously looking forward to the possibility of ducklings bred by one of our two Mandarin male ducks and a female Mallard. They are in the nesting process right now.
“bred by one of our two Mandarin male ducks and a female Mallard”
Now that should be a gene mix worth waiting for, Everett – if only to satisfy one’s curiosity!
” Adorable ” is the only word for that little gang ! Maybe they dropped by to wish you “happy Birthday” yesterday to be in time to be shown TODAY in
the FP lineup……wondering– is your favorite chocolate donut those great
big very chocolatey ones made by Dunford ? if so, I understand your loyalty!
Yes, Dunford donuts, Kris. One year when I was teaching, a student of mine whose family owned Dunford Donuts brought me a whole box of their donuts for my birthday. I’ve been addicted ever since.
NICE! And a giggle – many “popular” perches tend to be that way!
Happy Birthday! Another trip around the sun complete!
Haven’t seen any babies on the creek yet – probably a good thing as it’s been higher than it has gotten in a number of years with a fair amout of debris coming down. Far from threatening here thankfully. Started to go down yesterday. Cooler so, hopefully, there is still some snowpack left for summer!
Still “winning” the bird feeder war tho Grackles and Redwings haven’t completely vacated the yard.
Thanks, Judy. Yesterday I looked at the webcam for Monida Pass. Just a few patches of snow left, even though it’s the Continental Divide.
Yep – some areas didn’t do well snow wise and our “heat wave” for a week or so sure didn’t help………… In theory, the Little Belts did pretty well – Highwoods not so much. Both are our “source” of water.
First and foremost. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
And thank you – I loved the degree of difficulty shot – even with the mountain of crap. And ducks and ducklings always make me smile.
Thanks, EC. I’m an old fart, no question…
Great pictures of the mockingbird and Ducks. We have several of these mockingbird that nest in the fence line. One visits us regularly, sitting on the banister. If there’s a full moon, it will sing all night.
Jim, I hope you can sleep on those full-moon nights. If anything’s going to keep me awake, a singing mockingbird would be at the top of my preference list.
Fabulous Mockingbird shot! At first glance, the landing area looked like someone had photoshopped a snowy mountain under him — until I looked closer. At least the shot tells a story. Love the little Mallard family. I did notice a little fuzzy head just to the right of Mama. A friend of mine played crossing guard for a similar group a couple of days ago.
Happy Birthday.
Wishing you a day filled with chocolate donuts
, perfect light, cooperative subjects, and natural perches. And, of course, Bourbon.
Thanks, Marty. No chocolate donut for me this morning. It looks like we have clouds coming in so I won’t be going shooting and I only eat donuts on mornings when I’m in the field. Besides, my grocery store has stopped carrying my preferred donuts so I’m going to have to find another source. Whenever I like something my grocery store (Smith’s) reliably stops carrying it.
And since I prefer milk with my donuts instead of bourbon, any whiskey will have to wait until tonight. Birthday or no birthday…
Last week near a 4-lane road exiting/entering a busy Lowes’ in Roanoke, Virginia, two large geese were leading two little ones to try to cross the road, walking on the sidewalk, looking both ways, gingerly stepping down on the road, and yes, it was “cute” but also sad, because I knew a predator had reduced the family size.
Yup, that happens a lot.