I wasn’t planning on posting to my blog today but how could I not after unexpectedly getting sharp photos of a pretty spectacular bird species new to my yard? Possibly new to the entire state of Utah.
It was found hiding between my camping trailer and garage door and it was tame enough to allow it to be carried inside and placed on my fireplace mantel for photos. Until I get it positively ID’d I’m going to refer to it as a Whiskey Hawk. I just like the name.
If there’s a bird called a Whiskey Jack, and there is, why in all fairness can’t there be a Whiskey Hawk?
‘He’ even posed for me by giving me what I think is his best side.
He has similarities to an adult Red-tailed Hawk but I see a few significant differences. A hybrid perhaps?
In truth it’s a highly creative and very well-crafted get-well gift from my friend and bird rehabber April Olson. April knows I have a soft spot for raptors and a fondness for whiskey (perhaps she remembered this blog post, or this one, or both) so she put her imagination and her obvious creative skills together and came up with this. And I adore it.
I believe it’s going to have permanent residence somewhere in the bookcases on either side of my fireplace where it can be appreciated. By then the contents may or may not be original.
But if I do imbibe and replace I’m gonna have to be careful. This stuff is 92 proof and I’m only used to 80 proof. I guess I’m just a lightweight.
Thank you, April. You took some of the sting out of my recovery from spinal fusion surgery.
They had some good distilleries breweries prior to Prohibition in Utah. When prohibition was repealed Utah cast the deciding vote
Your a bird has a new sibling. Had breakfast in old town Park City Sunday and there was a line of people stretching from High West probably a quarter mile up the road at 9:30 AM…We asked what the event was and were told “whiskey!” Apparently there was a special release on Sunday!
Interesting, Margaret. Kinda goes along with this comment and answer on this post on Facebook from two of my good friends:
“Who knew the there were distilleries in Utah?
Neil Rossmiller
Hieronymus Bosch It’s Park City. Not really Utah”
Wow! Great get well gift, wonderful handiwork – a treasure from April to you. The fun and beauty of it should help your recovery.
I think it already has, Pam.
Love it! Great creativity April. Big surprise to see the new yardbird Ron promised.
Thanks from us both, Laurie.
This is so cute and clever!! Good job, April! And Ron, just a sip or two until you are completely healed!
Don’t think I’ll chance the “sip or two”, Melanie. Don’t want to risk ruining April’s handiwork while opening the bottle.
Good. I’d hate to see you decapitate that beautiful bird!
HUGE grins. Thank you April. Thank you Ron.
And thank you, EC.
OK, here’s where “awesome” must be used, in relation to April’s creativity and thoughtfulness— those talons, that tail, all of it is so clever! And I’d recommend this Whiskey Jack stay intact as he is lest his finely crafted head be torn asunder … he is, after all, one-of-a-kind, just as you are! ♥️
Agreed, Chris – an appropriate use of “awesome”. I’m pretty sure Whiskey Hawk will remain unviolated.
Wow what an good find, and love the name. Laughter is the best medicine you can find!
It’s better than any of the medicines I’m taking, Trudy. And no nasty side effects.
It’s the googly eyes that makes this species extra-special for me!
April, you’re a card and a gem! Ron, it just goes to show how special you are to us — if we all lived closer you might have an entire flock of Whiskey Hawks and Bourbon Buteos.
Sending you some sleep vibes. And lots of love, of course.
Thanks, Marty. For me it’s both the googly eyes and the extra work she did on that beautiful red tail. And the feet. Hell, the whole kit and kaboodle.
hahahahahaha! What a great friend April must be! Take care, Ron.
I’m trying, Ellen.
Whiskey Hawk is my new favorite! What an incredibly artful and impressive design by April. Absolutely Whiskey Hawk needs to have a permanent place on the bookshelf – whiskey intact gets my vote. Huge smile!
Kathleen, I think “whiskey intact” will probably come out on top.
Drinking the blood of your models? I don’t know about you….
A lot of people don’t know about me, Kent.
Well….you got me
I have the vodka vultures that come by my house once and a while
I wouldn’t call myself a lightweight with 80 proof
Thanks for the morning chuckle. Cheers to Ron
I guess “lightweight” is relative, Diana.
Buteo whiskiensis olsonii. You have a rara avis both in the gift and its creator.
Good one, Lyle.
Brilliant! And got us chuckling. That is a talented sculptor at work! You are very lucky to have been visited by a Whiskey Hawk. They are shy. But this one clearly wanted to be with you. Cheers!
I really like that name, Kathryn. I kinda wish there really was such a thing.
You even got catch light in the eyes! Humor is essential for recovery, and that April is a good egg. Hope you make time for a good nap today.
Diane, she’s a good egg indeed. Been trying to nap on and off but that damn prednisone still isn’t cooperating. Brain just keeps on spinnin’.
Totally awesome! What a great and creative friend you have.
Take Care,
Agreed, Kaye.
Here’s to you Ron – Cheers – will warm you up on those cold Utah nights that will be coming up in the not too far future. Good luck. Hope the healing is progressing well.
Thanks, Everett. It’s cold enough right now that I just turned the heat on to take the chill off.
Thanks, Michael. April of course was the inspiration.
Way to go, April!
Certainly a creative pick me up for Ron! Of course, the contents WILL need to be replaced at some point……
Perhaps April can offer a clue as to how to access the contents without destroying the hawk? 
P.S. We certainly DO have similar “species” in MT
Judy, after our conversation yesterday I figured you’d put two and two together after you saw this.
Hilarious. And beautiful! Glad you’re better. the spirits be with you!
Thanks, Sallie.
Cheers for April ! That’s a FINE piece of craftswomanship, and must be
hands-down the best and most personalized get-well gift I’ve ever seen !
( hope it stays unopened until your pain meds are all gone ).What wonderful
friends you’ve gathered in your time–it’s great to see solid evidence…….
Kris, I hope my pain meds are never all gone (unless I’ve just gotten rid of them). I haven’t taken any opiates since I got out of the hospital because I hate some of the effects. The only thing I’ve taken is ibuprofen and prednisone and the prednisone messes up my sleep. Got a total of 3 hours last night.
I am glad you enjoyed it. I know how hard it is to stay home and recover. That is how I found your blog originally, grounded after a TIA. My doctors and mostly family had me stuck at home for a month after. They did not want me out driving in the backwoods for a month incase I had a full on stroke. Apparently that is a common problem. Fortunately not for me and no problems 7 years since. So I hope you got a chuckle and that the contents tastes good. Maybe Whiskey Hawk will show up in Utah rare bird alerts! Enjoy and heal up so you can get back to your beautiful bird photography and continuing education of your followers. We appreciate your work.
You’re a gem, April. Thanks again. And I may never taste it. I don’t want to mess up your handiwork opening the bottle. I’ll have to check to see if it can be done.
What fun! and fun has been proven to aid recovery! Cheers!
Thanks, Shoreacres.
Wow! Friends like that are a treasure. And you got a chuckle and a smile and a story that will last for many years. Cheers Ron and to your health!
Well said. And thank you, Granny Pat.
(Almost forgot to join in “the toast.”)
Looking forward to you being back out on the road taking pictures.
Take Care.
I’m looking forward to it too.
Beautiful of you April. Thank you for doing what many of us would like to do.
Wishing Ron Well!
CJ, April is one of the busiest people I know, yet she took significant time out to do this for me. And deliver it to my driveway, which for her isn’t a short drive.